
flabberghaster wrote

Those unforgivable curses were so funny to me. There's so many ways you can kill someone with a magic wand, you can just set them on fire or make their head disappear or something; the torture one too: You can inflict pain in so many ways with a wand, why did they make three specific spells totally illegal? The mind control one is the only one I don't think you can otherwise do in a million other ways.


flabberghaster wrote

For this reason I don't even use the term Zionist; i feel like most people are sincere when they say they oppose Israel. But some are just using "look at these Zionists" as a find and replace for Jews and then hiding behind palestine when they get called on it.

For that reason I always criticize the specific thing someone's doing that I don't like, and I do think people need to be more careful about letting the right take on left talking points as a way to try to peel people off.


flabberghaster wrote

In the 2000s, YouTubers asked the question, "will it blend" and put the iPhone into a food processor. In 2026 the new iPhone will have a set of spinning knives you can use to make a fruit smoothie on the go, perfect for your busy, affluent middle class lifestyle.

It all comes full circle.