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neku wrote

who are you


twovests OP wrote

I should be asking, who are YOU, citizen? Ha ha ha.


oolong wrote

wow, the united states of mexico?


twovests OP wrote

Haha! Nice try. Those are the United Mexican States, or, Los Estados Unidos de Mexico. I'm not president of that yet. :)


Jenheadjen wrote (edited )

what do you have to say to the allegations that you've developed a dependency on the Mysterious Orange Drink


twovests OP wrote

When Corn Pop died in 2016, that left me with a lot of questions. I lived longer than the man who I thought might make my life end. II had spent so much of my life banging my straight razors against the curb, keepin them in rain barrels, y'know.

Well, I don't have any rusty razors any longer. And I have no idea what a jpeg is. I'm an American for Chrissake.

What I do have is gatorade. God Bless America.


flabberghaster wrote

Do you think Jedi ever write Sithy Hypno stories on their little holocrons?


twovests OP wrote

I know they did. And you know they did. God Bless America


hollyhoppet wrote

my dude like, what the fuck? how can you fuck up so bad?


twovests OP wrote

:;'(((( why ar ee yo u so m ean t mo to m e. ...

i am j ust ju sdt a little guy .. and i ha ve truama.... i just want to ride in the train...


hollyhoppet wrote

the image of biden saying "i'm just a little guy" will haunt me the rest of my days


missingno wrote

can I borrow five bucks


twovests OP wrote

Hey man, I already gave you two thousand bucks! And you don't even need to give it back. Re-elect me this November and maybe we'll see about an extra five!


anethum wrote

can you use your last good punch on me? it might bring me some release


twovests OP wrote

Ho ho ho! Only if you donate $40 to my campaign rally!