flabberghaster wrote
Reply to the ides of march by oolong
Remember, remember, the ides of march, the et tu brute? and plot.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by rain in it won't be long before "the 20s" will generally be understood to mean the current decade, instead of the 1920s by cowloom
Most I hear people refer to 2010 to 2019 as just "the twenty tens"
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to how do you type with boxing gloves on? by missingno
the same way homestar picks things up without arms
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in This post is for FLEXING by cowloom
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in I pretty much bricked my router while trying to do a firmware upgrade, but I was able to recover it and get the upgrade done successfully. by flabberghaster
That's right. I sent her forces into a disorderly retreat and prevailed on the battlefield.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in I pretty much bricked my router while trying to do a firmware upgrade, but I was able to recover it and get the upgrade done successfully. by flabberghaster
Not only did I unbrick it, I now have IPv6 which wasn't working before! 🥳
flabberghaster wrote
Evian backwards is naïve. They're laughing at you if you buy it
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in I've hated Elon Musk since the days he was just the annoying guy redditors all loved. by flabberghaster
I already knew about him for years before that and thought he sucked 😏
flabberghaster wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in I want to indulge in clowning. There is nothing wrong with the catharsis of laughing. Clown in this thread with me. by twovests
Take my love, take my land, Take me where j cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free, You can't take my vagiiina from meeeee
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in I've hated Elon Musk since the days he was just the annoying guy redditors all loved. by flabberghaster
Yeah I mean I just found him irritating. I didn't think he was like... You know. Like this.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in I've hated Elon Musk since the days he was just the annoying guy redditors all loved. by flabberghaster
Yeah I don't remember when I found out about the emerald mine.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to my dad found out about my name change by ___
Jesus. Fuck that guy. Are you safe physically?
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by I_got_killed_one_time in watching severance wiht my boobs out #myWonderFulWorld by I_got_killed_one_time
Yeah it's Office Lost, but it's good. It's not like, the best thing in TV history but it's the best thing everyone's watching right now and it's pretty good IMO.
I keep wanting to get people to watch Lodge 49 which has similar vibes, but is more friendly.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Is this a new speech construction? It feels off to me. But I keep hearing it especially in the last couple of years. by flabberghaster
The full context of the first was like "It gives us the same strange out of place feeling as when we see an actor who we can't quite place how we know them."
The second clause describing the actor feels redundant to me, it feels very awkward. Having the pronoun for the same subject in there feels weird. "An actor that ..." Means that ... Is specifically referring to the actor. Then we have "... we don't know where we know them" feels like a whole new sentence with its own subject and object. It feels unrelated to me. The them is redundant, to me.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by SWORDSCROSSED in Is this a new speech construction? It feels off to me. But I keep hearing it especially in the last couple of years. by flabberghaster
Yeah I edited it. I messed that up. I changed it to "a type of fruit that we don't know where is from"
Is that any less ungrammatical to your ear?
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to disclaimer post by hollyhoppet
I am using your posts as investment advice. Please calculate accordingly
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in [USA] You could set your tax withholdings to zero. Pay your 2025 taxes in 2026, if the IRS is still around. by twovests
also if you vastly underpay for witholdings they'll charge you a penalty, depending on how much by.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Do you think a potion of healing would undo circumcission? by flabberghaster
No one knows how to play until they learn
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Do you think a potion of healing would undo circumcission? by flabberghaster
we are playing rifts in hob chat if you're serious
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in Do you think a potion of healing would undo circumcission? by flabberghaster
Well like if you get severe burns over a large part of your body, it will "heal" in that it'll scar over, but it won't be normal skin. A potion of healing will make it normal skin.
I'm not sure, to /u/nomorepie's point, if that means say, if you have a scar, if it would cause that to undo. I think that's kind of the whole ballgame here.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in Do you think a potion of healing would undo circumcission? by flabberghaster
But like if you lose a patch of skin on your arm due to it burning or something, it will grow back. I don't see why growing back skin on your dingus would be different from on your arm.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to if every one of us went to their local municipal town hall meetings, we would rule the united states within a month by twovests
We're insufferable too but you don't see us making our terrible inside jokes everyone else's problem.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in They need to create a rainbow list by nomorepie
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to check your whitelist status [Aa] by oolong
if getting whitelisted did anything, they wouldn't let you do it.
they're just trying to corral our energy back in to the system.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in i love my job but i do not love learning AWS by twovests
100%. They bill it as "you don't have to pay a guy to run your on prem hardware for you" but you absolutely do not save money once you've scaled to the point you need a few machines.
And by that point, your software is probably so tied in to proprietary Amazon stuff that they've got you in a vice.
It's the same model as Oracle: oh we're so easy to use and friendly, and we have all these great Oracle specific features, go ahead and use them! 😊 but then they have you locked in and they can just start squeezing.