
emma wrote


emma wrote

ok, so, when the image is thumbnailed, this fact is stored in the cache. being thumbnailed, it should have an image in /app/public/media/cache/submission_etc_blahblahblah, so you should check that these are being created, and that files in these directories are web accessible.

if they aren't there, then you could try clearing the cache. i believe bin/console cache:pool:clear cache.app is the right thing here, but you could also just delete /app/var/cache entirely. this will force it to check if a thumbnail exists again, and if not, attempt to thumbnail it again.

it really sounds like persistent storage is misconfigured or something, though.


emma OP wrote

does working on the pi offer you any automation / relief from the openwrt woes you had on the old router?

yeah, ansible works very well with raspbian, and just debian in general. openwrt uses like overlayfs and is very limited compared to a normal linux system, so although you could probably get ansible to work (it just needs ssh and python on the target system), it sounds like it'd be painful.

and why did you choose a compute module?

chip shortage, that was the only model i could get at the time. also the ethernet hat was like purpose-made for what i wanted a pi for.


emma wrote

I dislike that it's tied to a Company

well the good news is that thanks to oci, it's tied to two companies, the other being red hat with podman

the bad news is both companies are in their enshittification stage, paywalling features and trying to sell you crappy ai shit

anyway, in theory i like podman more than docker. like the problem with docker is if you're root in a container, you're root in real life, and podman solves that with some file ownership abstraction thing or something. podman containers also run without a daemon, which is nice.

but when i've tried using podman for postmill development, it crashed, and for deploying services, i couldn't get ansible to work with it. which is weird, because ansible is also a red hat product.

so my take is that ansible will be nicer, when it's fixed.