flabberghaster wrote
My understanding is you don't get actually paid out until you wager a certain amount that's much much higher. Like you bet five dollars and get two hundred, but to be eligible you have to bet like a thousand dollars total.
That's what they said on a podcast, or what I took from what that podcast.
Not an expert.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Preemptive Lunchposting: 8 Hot Dogs. by 500poundsofnothing
I just don't have a web cam
flabberghaster wrote
I could do this easily in like an hour
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to Admin update, the whitelist, and you! by twovests
i am going to post so, so much spam ❤️
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by rain in Tech Support: If I have my name on my signal account, does it show it to everyone I add on there? by flabberghaster
No my concern is that if I add a stranger, using an account name rather than my phone number, but I have my real name in my profile (which I set so that people I know will know who's messaging them), will the stranger I add also get my real name?
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to I want to indulge in dooming. There is nothing wrong with the catharsis of screaming. Doom in this thread with me. by twovests
I legit have no idea what to do, at all.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in The State Department is blocking new passports for trans Americans | The 19th News by I_got_killed_one_time
This isn't just for X markers; it's also people who are changing the marker between M and F, or have ever done so.
flabberghaster wrote
gums swollen and profusely bleeding, spitting pink what yeaah of course i've been flossing regularly, the whole time. mhm. why do you ask?
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Exciting developments by nomorepie
You need a smaller phone, or a larger thumb.
flabberghaster wrote
This is Destiny
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to Cereal. From YOUR pantry. by SWORDSCROSSED
I'm out of milk anyway, have at it
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by nitori in I have not seen a compelling argument for anarchy, or even a description of the future anarchists want by twovests
I know a lot of Marxists love to engage in violent fantasies about what to do about anarchists and ancoms but the end world they both describe is very nebulous. It's not that different, to me.
Having things organized in some way is not against anarchist principles but online Marxists love to talk about purging them and shit idk it's so weird and aggro.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in I have not seen a compelling argument for anarchy, or even a description of the future anarchists want by twovests
Note that non anarchist philosophies also struggle with the question of "how do we prevent our system from being taken over by the badguys?" Whether it's monarchists saying "this system works great if the monarch is good but the trick is to make sure a doofus doesn't become monarch", or democracies wondering how we can prevent a demagogue from taking power and abolishing the democracy via popular vote. Even communists have the same problem: whatever administration you set up, how do you prevent it from turning itself into something terrible that's bad for people?
So yes, anarchism doesn't solve it but nothing else does either, IMO.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in I have not seen a compelling argument for anarchy, or even a description of the future anarchists want by twovests
It's more about hierarchical social structures than like... coercing a boss to accept a union. Like you shouldn't have one person in your group who can kick you out or make you do things if you don't want to, or no one should be forced to work a job to make ends meet, through the coercive power of wage labor.
That's not the same as like, you and your co workers getting together and saying if the boss doesn't negotiate we'll go on strike / slash his tires / what have you. That is coercive, in a way, but it's not really the same thing.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to I have not seen a compelling argument for anarchy, or even a description of the future anarchists want by twovests
The idea is kind of two fold I think.
Communists say that After The Revolution™, society eventually becomes a classless, stateless society and everyone just produces for the common good and receives what they need, and there's no need for money to force people to work, nor for guys with sticks to go beat people up.
So even state communists, usually they're saying their authoritarian government is meant as a stepping stone towards that.
Anarchists have the same goal, except they think once you make the state to break up the bourgeoisie, then that state is going to perpetuate itself and you're never going to move beyond it to the better world, so their organizing tends to be based on non hierarchy. Build the world you want to see today, don't build authoritarian structures that are supposed to break down authoritarianism tomorrow.
I don't understand how the monopoly on violence can be abolished, or how it can be prevented from arising again. I don't understand how an anarchist society will have space for the large contingent of people who would want to recreate a hierarchical state with a monopoly on violence.
The idea is, if you had a society where no one had bosses and everyone had their needs already met, and your neighbor Phil showed up and said "we should take over, let's get some guys and make me the king. I'll give you extra food" you wouldn't have any reason to join him because you already have what you need. And of someone started doing that everyone else would just beat him up for trying.
To me, like all utopian ideologies, I see it as more of a north star than a thing you could implement. Ask yourself if you have two choices, which is the less coercive one to get what your org needs done, and that's probably the way to go. It's nebulously defined just as Communism is nebulously defined.
There are good writings on it but I'm not a nerd so I can't think of any off the top of my head sadly.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to Plural recommendation: Mr. Robot is very good show about hacking, and has a major plural character by twovests
The titles of all the episodes are made to reflect the filenames commonly found in torrents.
But I never knew how accurate it is regarding plurality. It seems rather ham fisted and over the top at times to me, a non plural.
I do love the show though, I've watched it through like three times I think.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to A cookie for allies by twovests
I always got the vibe that the scorn was for people who were doing it just to look good but didn't actually care or were fairweather friends. Like, if you're an ally you should be doing it because it's right, not going around bragging about how good you are to those poor, benighted trans people.
On the other hand sometimes people take it a bit far and are dismissive like you say, which I can get, i understand it, I don't think anyone should be too broken up about it. But it does suck to feel like you're trying to do the right thing for someone even though they seem not to really like you very much.
It's complicated I think. It's good to express appreciation for people being with you, but at the same time you don't want to feel like someone is lording something over you.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by underscores in I just really think the whole tech industry is going to implode soon by flabberghaster
They've actually gone on record and said that they have a definition of what "AGI" actually means: AGI means an AI system that makes them 100 billion dollars in profit. https://gizmodo.com/leaked-documents-show-openai-has-a-very-clear-definition-of-agi-2000543339
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to you could go to sleep at 9pm by oolong
i did that a few times, it was great. i keep thinking "i'm gonna do that again" but then not.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by Jenheadjen in why are there so many linux distros that store the kernel config used to compile the kernel in /boot/config-$(uname -r) instead of good old, dependable old, reliable old, normal old, regular old, /proc/config.gz? by flabberghaster
It's annoying to me because of my job.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in If you STILL aren't organizing, then you're part of the problem. by cowloom
IDK i read it as a vent post. Shit is so fucked and we do gotta get on it. But at the same time... like seriously what the fuck do we do? So I can understand the "FUCK YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND TRY TO HELP STOP THIS" vibe of the post but also that's not really helpful.
I want to be neither condescending nor dismissive. I am 100% with the OP in that things are very urgent. But i'm also like. literally what the hell are we supposed to do that we're not already doing?
I get a little annoyed at the advice you see to "organize." Ok what does that look like? I'm gonna what, start a union? How even. I tried that. I'm terrible at it. I felt like me being involved was just making things harder. What else can I do though? But also like, seriously shit is fucked, we gotta do something.
I'm torn. I'm freaking out. But I literally do not know what to do that would actually help.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by missingno in what posting vibes do you think you embody? by flabberghaster
i'm incandescent with rage too now
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by missingno in what posting vibes do you think you embody? by flabberghaster
30 minutes? You are like a little baby
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by oneviolence in what posting vibes do you think you embody? by flabberghaster
I think....... 'Eagh
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by rain in Gambling CW -- What's the catch with these promos? by twovests
I think you should not give these casinos one red cent, you're not gonna beat the house. Everyone who gambles thinks they might, and if they were right, there would be no casinos.
If you gamble, go in expecting to lose. If you're doing it for fun, then have fun. But you're giving money to some of the worst and most rapaciously exploitative businesses in America.