Submitted by twovests admin in meta

Hi all! I have a few small updates

  • I'm a full-time admin now, which means I set my admin bool as true in the database. Nothing has really changed, more on that in "the admin ramble" below.

  • You might be whitelisted now! When whitelisted, "Whitelisting will allow this user to bypass IP bans and some flood protections. Additionally, their IP addresses will no longer be stored." You can check if you're whitelisted by going to your profile and looking for whitelisted under your name.

  • If you aren't whitelisted and think you should be, please ask! The whitelist is basically a "we trust you're not a spambot" flag. I went through manually and whitelisted users, but I might've missed some.

Love you all, and keep on just_posting




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twovests OP wrote

The aforementioned admin ramble: June of last year, I was made Official System Administrator of Just Post, but my admin boolean was set false in the database. I would turn it on occasionally to crouton a spam post here or there. But I had it set false most of the time, because I felt weird having all these admin controls throughout the user interface. It felt like having a nuke button next to my "post" button. But I'm done with feeling weird about that and I am now just keeping the admin bool set to true. In retrospect, that's also the more transparent thing to do, since I think it shows up on my profile. And in practice, there's no real difference anyways


ellynu wrote

elly whitelist real :)

keep up the good admin work