Recent comments in /f/just_post

flabberghaster OP wrote (edited )

Well I mean specifically that a watt is defined as one joule of energy per second, energy over time. Then we multiply that by time and we're left with a kWh being the same dimension as the Joule.

It's like if we measured distance by saying how many "velocity seconds" apart things were. (Which we do in space, we measure vast distances by light seconds but that's not my point)


twovests OP wrote

We? Not me. For the aforementioned reasons, I'd call him The Worst Playwright Of All Time. You can etch that into my gravestone, or any public restroom stall, or into my flesh even


twovests wrote

I like J as a shorthand for kWh or Newton-meters in units that incorporate joules.

kWh consumed per month makes more sense inside my heart than joules consumed per month.

I had to take the same intro-physics course twice despite passing both with perfect As, because of Paper reasons, so Joules will always be kilogram-meters-meters-per-second-squared to me. If someone expresses them as Pascal-cubic-meters or Coulomb-Volts then I will feel honestly quite Disgusted


hollyhoppet admin wrote

i might be a scrooge and opt us out. it appears there aren't really any moderation tools so we could get followed and tracked by the very bad nazi instances, and i'd prefer not for them to have access to us.