Recent comments in /f/just_post
twovests wrote
Reply to I have the Poster's Curse, where I want to make long posts about things that interest me but I'm not very good at writing and I get writer's block whenever I try by Jenheadjen
post post post post
i wanna see yur posts
i wanna be yur friend
oneviolence wrote
Reply to I have the Poster's Curse, where I want to make long posts about things that interest me but I'm not very good at writing and I get writer's block whenever I try by Jenheadjen
I dont care how long your posdts are!!!!
i want to SEE THEM!
underscores wrote
here's a couple interesting videos on dinoflagellates (type of plankton)
oolong wrote
Reply to comment by WRETCHEDSORCERESS in I wonder if there are any interesting microorganisms by flabberghaster
Arthrospira platensis, commonly known as spirulina, can take on discrete morphologies depending on environmental conditions: helical as the name implies but also linear! theyre shapechanging out here
Aureispira is a predatory bacterium which uses a heptameric "grappling hook" to catch prey and reel itself in then shotgun blast them to death with a type 6 secretion system
Actinosynnema can grow insane branching fractal mycelial hyphae-like synemata structures in agar medium and into the air. they found that guy in New Jersey!
ok those are 3 interesting bacteria whose names start with 'A' that I can think of rn
hollyhoppet wrote
people seem to like tardigrades
twovests wrote
Reply to today in job postings that make me feel like severance is less exaggerated a parody than one might initially think by hollyhoppet
I started listening to the Severance podcast, and Ben Stiller and Adam Scott compare Atlassian's Confluence (the worst wiki software in the world, as you probably know; it's so bad) to the Severance procedure, with wording very much like what you quoted in the post.
nitori wrote
Reply to comment by emma in it won't be long before "the 20s" will generally be understood to mean the current decade, instead of the 1920s by cowloom
Well, until it's the year 11930 CE that is :P
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in today in job postings that make me feel like severance is less exaggerated a parody than one might initially think by hollyhoppet
yeah it'd be spooky
cowloom wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in today in job postings that make me feel like severance is less exaggerated a parody than one might initially think by hollyhoppet
that would be extra wild, since that film was shot at least 40 years after he worked there
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in today in job postings that make me feel like severance is less exaggerated a parody than one might initially think by hollyhoppet
what if you saw a background extra in a severence shot and it's just your grandfather going to work
cowloom wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in today in job postings that make me feel like severance is less exaggerated a parody than one might initially think by hollyhoppet
What! That's crazy, my grandfather worked for Bell Labs in New Jersey during the late 50s and early 60s! I had no idea that was the same building!
devtesla wrote
Reply to today in job postings that make me feel like severance is less exaggerated a parody than one might initially think by hollyhoppet
The building in Severance is the former Bell Labs building in New Jersey that has been converted into a bunch of smaller offices for other companies. There's people who drive to work everyday to work in the Severance building.
rain wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in it won't be long before "the 20s" will generally be understood to mean the current decade, instead of the 1920s by cowloom
cowloom OP wrote
Reply to comment by underscores in it won't be long before "the 20s" will generally be understood to mean the current decade, instead of the 1920s by cowloom
By the power invested in me (by myself), I hereby decree the 2020s to be "The Terrible Twenties"
cowloom OP wrote
Reply to comment by nitori in it won't be long before "the 20s" will generally be understood to mean the current decade, instead of the 1920s by cowloom
By the power invested in me (by myself), I hereby decree the 2020s to be "The Terrible Twenties"
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by rain in it won't be long before "the 20s" will generally be understood to mean the current decade, instead of the 1920s by cowloom
Most I hear people refer to 2010 to 2019 as just "the twenty tens"
Jenheadjen wrote
Reply to comment by underscores in it won't be long before "the 20s" will generally be understood to mean the current decade, instead of the 1920s by cowloom
i've heard "the new 20s" to differentiate it from the 1920s
emma wrote
Reply to it won't be long before "the 20s" will generally be understood to mean the current decade, instead of the 1920s by cowloom
good on /u/1930sgangster for future-proofing
rain wrote
Reply to comment by underscores in it won't be long before "the 20s" will generally be understood to mean the current decade, instead of the 1920s by cowloom
People haven't really been using that wording to refer to the current decade since the 90s, so it feels kind of dated.
I think that’s just because there aren’t any universally agreed on shortcuts to refer to the 2000-2009 and the 2010-2019 decades. Not enough people use nought for the “noughties” to have caught on, and “the teens” leaves out 2010-2012. At some point I expect it to comeback, possibly ironically at first, but once it’s back I think it will stick around again. People love short cutesy labels.
nitori wrote
Reply to it won't be long before "the 20s" will generally be understood to mean the current decade, instead of the 1920s by cowloom
Well, the 2020s right now isn't roaring, so you can add a "Roaring" before the 20s to mean the 1920s :P
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by cowloom in This post is for FLEXING by cowloom
i would never besmirch bryce the 3d modeling software from the 90s
underscores wrote
Reply to it won't be long before "the 20s" will generally be understood to mean the current decade, instead of the 1920s by cowloom
I feel like it might not get that popular. People haven't really been using that wording to refer to the current decade since the 90s, so it feels kind of dated.
Some other phrasing, nickname, slang, pun, or something could take off instead. I guess if there's some distinctive attribute to the decade maybe it'll get an adjective to contrast it with the roaring 20s.
rain wrote
Reply to comment by WRETCHEDSORCERESS in I wonder if there are any interesting microorganisms by flabberghaster
Ok now I’m curious: can you think of any beginning with the letter “q”?
And I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, I love your microbe posts! They are part of what got me posting here :)