
twovests wrote

I’m new here; is this a proper use of jstpst?

yes, this is excellent posting!

i wanna see yur posts, I wanna be yur friend


twovests wrote (edited )

caught up on my Phone In Bed sites (i save jstpst, the best for last) and now i'm going to get up out of bed the moment i hit this Post button

wokeness IS good

(edit: wokeness not wholeness. i curse autocorrect)


twovests OP wrote

i know "america is dying" has been discussed for decades now, but come on

our leaders are so old that "actuarial tables" come up regularly in political discussion. and that's not even the 100th worst thing about it!


twovests wrote

I use most apps on my phone as web sites. I think apps are nice when your app uses gestures that would otherwise overlap with webbed site, or when you're doing anything computationally intensive that would otherwise be done in JavaScript (or even WASM).

Another good reason is if you do not know how to make web sites but you do know how to make apps. One of the very best reasons is when your app is a web browser.

I also get the vibe that cert pinning is easier to do in apps than websites (I make websites and not apps, but even then I know how to cert pin in an Android app when I wouldn't be able to tell you how to set up HSTS, which I don't think even does cert pinning).

But I suspect that apps are better for leveraging analytical capabilities to synergize our product development teams with our long-term business strategies while delivering shareholder value and, most importantly, delighting our customers while delivering relevant deals and offers.


twovests OP wrote

haha, what the fuck. this is hilarious

i think apple does bin some, you usually get a few numbers of cores to choose from, but i believe that's only two tiers per processor.

i know it's still impressive to design your own silicon, but the magic is just monopoly? the "apple sucks forever" nerd in me stays winning