
twovests OP wrote

i'm not even doing THAT bad but i do feel like i woke up one day, and they removed the guardrails on the stairs that go up to my apartment on the seventh floor.

hey, the LD50 for flights of stairs is 5. and, hey, does this spiral go to the basement? did we always have that?


twovests OP wrote

Wait really? I'd love to read more. My scant interest understanding of silicon manufacturing makes this not make sense to me, but my understanding starts and ends at "TSMC makes the chips from the silicon wafers on commission."

Apple just winning a business gambit is a lot easier to place in my understanding of reality than "magic is real and Apple invented it"


twovests OP wrote

oh yeah, this is definitely something where corporate interests might align with public interest in terms of mitigating the worst of it.

i'm anticipating apple won't be the first to raise prices if these tariffs come in. otherwise, my strategy is to wait until the generation where they ruin the form factor, so i can get the M6 Max or whatever the number will be, at a discount