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Submitted by anethum in post_music

game boy!]( if you're unfamiliar with necry talkie, it would be a bit strange to have this song as your introduction to them. it's a bit like ["popular" by nada ... surf](, in that [it's not really representative of the rest of their discography](; a "better" primer would be, for instance, ["you should head north"](, ... their version of the ever-popular ["yurufuwa jukai girl"]( (the founder/guitarist is actually also the original composer of that song!). which is to say, it's this mix of energetic rock music


Submitted by anethum in post_music

think foals would be most known for their dance rock music. [used to make them](, [still makes them]( so it's kind of amusing that they wrote something that


Submitted by anethum in rasslin (edited )

gnarly match over it. [here's a highlight set to "violence fetish" by disturbed. (cw: deathmatch)]( unfortunately for hangman, swerve is _a pretty cool dude,_ so he got organically cheered ... crowd until he pretty much turned into a good guy. [this dissonance drove hangman insane]( for quite a while folks kinda justified hangman doing morally ambiguous stuff with "well to be fair


Submitted by anethum in 2hu (edited )

chance it sounds familiar but you can't place it: ["bonfire" by knife party](


Submitted by voxpoplar in intros (edited )

Japanese versions. It is also actually missing the Japanese series three intro, which is [here]( This is understandable as the third series only aired on TV in Japan fifteen years after


Submitted by Moonside in ourside (edited )

played it yet, [perhaps don't]( Until next time, [be safe pals](


Submitted by bunnies in just_post

sound. This is an absolute banger, and the message doesn't require much cultural translation... ([This]( version has less distortion but worse equalisation, if the linked version bothers you you might prefer