
twovests OP wrote

You do have a point. Tbh, I don't actually know where I'd draw the line. I see a lot of verbiage like desist/detrans/retrans/ftmtf/mtftm/etc.

I would expect a "detrans" or similar space to overrepresent regrets, but I really couldn't bear participating in a space that's anti-transition in general. In my lurking, I'm seeing no useful info haha, even in trans subs re: stopping HRT. (Other than the common knowledge of needing some amount of hormone in the body)


twovests OP wrote

I appreciate the response. I'm just on 2x daily 1mg oral estrogen, no spiro.

I think my anxieties reflect the ~10 years of thinking this through, lol. I feel like I'm wearing all the thoughts I ever had on my sleeve, and I'm preparing go-bags for all eventualities.

I've also been told that it's strange for me to feel effects so fast (other than the widely-reported mild moodswing / warm face people get after their dose). I would attribute it to just the placebo effect, but some changes were undeniable. (A patch of skin on my ankles, which was terminally and perpetually tough, became smooth; and the pungent onion-y scent in my body odor has disappeared. Even if I eat a whole raw onion.)

That said, the tingles, chest feelings, etc. also came after some confounding factors (lots of time outside in a heat wave, being around a friends cat) so I'm definitely staying on this for at least another month or so.


twovests OP wrote

When Corn Pop died in 2016, that left me with a lot of questions. I lived longer than the man who I thought might make my life end. II had spent so much of my life banging my straight razors against the curb, keepin them in rain barrels, y'know.

Well, I don't have any rusty razors any longer. And I have no idea what a jpeg is. I'm an American for Chrissake.

What I do have is gatorade. God Bless America.