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I_got_killed_one_time wrote (edited )

i cant really answer the intended question of detrans, but i think the more important question is What the fuck are you taking. after a week nearly nothing should be happening, let alone the pain and other things youre describing. i imagine if youve been so hesitant for so long, youre starting out on some thing super safe and low level, probably some planned parenthood shit, which also probably means spiro. idk, im not a doctor, this isnt medical advice, but you might allergic to something in the pill or some thing.

over all , this is a very anxious post and i do understand the desire to cover every base and have contingencies just in case, but you did say youre happy with it and enjoying it, so enjoy it ! but you should probably go to the doctor about the pain and rashes, it might not even be related to the hrt and just coincidentally started at the same time. sorry i didnt actually help withwhat you asked


twovests OP wrote

I appreciate the response. I'm just on 2x daily 1mg oral estrogen, no spiro.

I think my anxieties reflect the ~10 years of thinking this through, lol. I feel like I'm wearing all the thoughts I ever had on my sleeve, and I'm preparing go-bags for all eventualities.

I've also been told that it's strange for me to feel effects so fast (other than the widely-reported mild moodswing / warm face people get after their dose). I would attribute it to just the placebo effect, but some changes were undeniable. (A patch of skin on my ankles, which was terminally and perpetually tough, became smooth; and the pungent onion-y scent in my body odor has disappeared. Even if I eat a whole raw onion.)

That said, the tingles, chest feelings, etc. also came after some confounding factors (lots of time outside in a heat wave, being around a friends cat) so I'm definitely staying on this for at least another month or so.