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twovests OP wrote

I appreciate the response. I'm just on 2x daily 1mg oral estrogen, no spiro.

I think my anxieties reflect the ~10 years of thinking this through, lol. I feel like I'm wearing all the thoughts I ever had on my sleeve, and I'm preparing go-bags for all eventualities.

I've also been told that it's strange for me to feel effects so fast (other than the widely-reported mild moodswing / warm face people get after their dose). I would attribute it to just the placebo effect, but some changes were undeniable. (A patch of skin on my ankles, which was terminally and perpetually tough, became smooth; and the pungent onion-y scent in my body odor has disappeared. Even if I eat a whole raw onion.)

That said, the tingles, chest feelings, etc. also came after some confounding factors (lots of time outside in a heat wave, being around a friends cat) so I'm definitely staying on this for at least another month or so.