
rain wrote

Are you hungry or thirsty? Either of these can make your physiology ramp up.

Other than that, I’d recommend to go towards the extremes. Either work yourself tired or meditate until you are still. If you tend to get a lot of exercise normally I would start with meditation, if not get up and move.


rain wrote

I was being goofy.

It’s really hard to estimate with any precision, but there is roughly an order of magnitude more windows desktops than there are servers and routers combined. If you use “trusted” to mean “relied on for” (even if the people doing so feel they shouldn’t be), then I think by the numbers windows is “trusted” more than any non-mobile platform.

But my original comment was still wrong because of mobile, which would make android the most “trusted” OS.

oh well lol


rain wrote

I want this. I want to get a group of people, say half a dozen or so, to all do this. Same time, but arrive separately and have different shopping lists etc., but lots of nursery rhyme type stuff. Preferably during an off time in a small store with only a few other shoppers.

Refuse to admit knowing each other or to acknowledging anything out of the ordinary. Once you’ve checked out, scamper/skip/interpretive dance your way out of the store and down the street.

I want to be the weird story someone tells their grandkids about 40 years from now. Let’s bring some whimsy to the world.


rain wrote

I love older game systems; I enjoyed more of the games and now that they are decades out date you can emulate them on just about anything.

And so many good games! My favorite lesser known ps1 game is probably Devil’s Dice, but there are near so many good ones to choose from…


rain wrote

Could this be a more cohesive post if I studied poetry?

I don’t think so, no. It was beautiful just the way it is