Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in Help me appreciate Soulslikes by twovests
elaboration that hopefully doesn't make me sound like an obnoxious git gud person:
It's really about the expectation that you'll have to try again, which is a different design philosophy from a lot of other games. The thing that I personally think is satisfying about a souls game is that you can encounter a scenario like a boss that you start out dying to in 30 seconds and barely hurting it, have another go and analyse what you're doing, what's going wrong, where you're getting hit, and work on those individual aspects over the next few encounters, and a lot of the time you can go from losing almost instantly to beating the boss over the course of a play session. This is what I mean when I say "it's easy" - it is still a challenging game but individual encounters let you speedrun that system mastery and get the enjoyment from overcoming a difficult challenge relatively quickly compared to a lot of other hobbies.
The optimal outcome is that you get to feel like Neo in that scene near the end of The Matrix where he starts to see everything as code and he can just effortlessly beat Smith. When you get it, that feeling is extremely satisfying, and there aren't that many single player games that have given me that experience before. The thing is that it's a decent amount of work to get there and it can feel unrewarding on the way. If you don't enjoy soulslikes you can do one of two things - play something else, or work hard to enjoy the acquired taste. I'm personally glad that I beat my head against the wall and I like them now but I can't recommend it one way or the other.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to Help me appreciate Soulslikes by twovests
Dark Souls is popular not because it is hard, but because it is easy. Elaboration coming at some point.
Dogmantra wrote (edited )
Dasani failed for a much funnier reason than just people thinking it was a ripoff. The specific circumstances were great, it was revealed to be just tapwater from the mains which became a scandal for a couple of reasons: firstly because bottled water was usually expected to be "mineral" water with some sort of selling point beyond convenience, secondly, there was a recall due to levels of bromate being over the legal limit. Lastly taking tap water and selling it as an upmarket brand while it was actually contaminated was literally the plot of an episode of the beloved comedy classic Only Fools & Horses, down to the fact that the actual Dasani plant was only about nine miles from where the tv show was set.
It would be like if some big flower shop tried launching genetically modified plants and it turned out that they ate people.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to I made this post to sniff out everyone who has a low self esteem and acts like they feel they deserve to be insulted. by flabberghaster
and in a way, tricking us all like that was the sickest own
Dogmantra wrote
dog honey
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to What a year, huh? by twovests
my brother was born in 1989 :)
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to Is this a new speech construction? It feels off to me. But I keep hearing it especially in the last couple of years. by flabberghaster
I think this has existed for a while, at least when I do it it mostly comes from restructuring the sentence halfway through, yknow when you start going without knowing exactly how you're going to finish?
e.g. in your examples, it would be "a type of fruit that [pause] we don't know where it comes from"
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to you don't need to microwave everything by oolong
but you have to try
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in Do you think a potion of healing would undo circumcission? by flabberghaster
punk fighter with a face full of piercings getting increasingly annoyed at having to get them redone after every adventure
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by 500poundsofnothing in it's transgender friday by hollyhoppet
it's always friday somewhere in the world
Dogmantra wrote
The popular explanation is that it only opens for the pure of heart, but that was a myth spread by a group of the first people to successfully open The Box to big themselves up. A lot of people still believe this though, and many aspiring Boxcavators (as you know, this is the term for people who open The Box) waste their time doing things like volunteering for charities in an attempt to make themselves more pure of heart.
We don't know for sure but the current best explanation we have is that it's got something to do with how many times you thought about shrews prior to your 15th birthday, but it's proving difficult to experiment on because when people have been instructed to think a lot about shrews we can't be sure if it's multiple thoughts, or if continuously thinking about shrews counts as just one single long thought.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to it's transgender friday by hollyhoppet
fried gender transday
Dogmantra wrote
in this world mother earth might transition and get top surgery and then he would be flat. and i would support him in this.
Dogmantra wrote
not seen the first one
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to you just gained the power to shoot five different fluids from your dominant hand, one fluid for each finger. what are your five fluids, and which finger for each? by hollyhoppet
In order from thumb to little finger on my right hand:
- potable room temperature water (always have fresh clean water to drink!)
- potable boiling water (no more waiting or using energy for kettles and so on)
- coca cola from a room temperature can (my favourite beverage and way to drink it, on the middle finger because it's sticking a middle finger up to the coca cola corporation by getting it for free)
- helium (gases are fluids too! help solve any helium shortages and also gain access to a cool party trick [squeaky voice on demand] ring finger because I don't see myself using this one all that often and that's the most uncomfortable one to use)
- acrylic paint thinning medium (sounds like a good idea but I've only ever used water, would like to experiment with it but it's expensive and I could just get new colours for the money)
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
install took a little while but was very painless. mint now installed and yeah this little machine can actually cope with web browsing and playing a youtube or iplayer video now which is really all I wanted it to do so thank you!
I shall probably be joining the linux cult at some point because I've had nothing but unpleasant experiences trying to get windows 10 to do what I want it to, and mint's very first thing being a popup saying "hey come and mess about with the settings til you have them how you like them" was sort of the nail in the coffin. I doubt I'll be migrating until I have to but when windows 10 stops working I am sure as heck not going to move to another windows unless microsoft bucks their ideas up bigtime!
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
oh good news is that I have had this machine open before and I know exactly where the ribbon cable is - it's the fact it's not properly connecting that makes it broken in the first place, so best case scenario it's already disconnected (and worst case is that I just need to take out the very easily accessible cable!)
thank you once more :)
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
it is a very generic piece of garbage by Thomson which is a company I did not know made computers before I got it, and the model number is UK-NEO10A-2BK32. It has an Intel Atom x5-Z8350 (1.44GHz) and a whopping 2GB of RAM. I can't imagine it has anything but integrated graphics.
Has a micro SD slot if that is in some way more useful than installing via USB.
Thank you much! I shall look at Pop! and any future recommendations and see if they can mount the main hurdle of a busted display.
Dogmantra wrote
l'ésprit de la douche
Dogmantra wrote
I've always thought puerto rico was a bad game so I feel validated
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to if Computers advanced Faster, then we would have skipped decades of Chiptunes. and music would be worse by twovests
I used to think chiptunes were invented by a guy named chip. whose line is it anyway taught me that's the sort of thing americans are called, and I figured that they came from america.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to Do you own {item}? And do you like it? For each item in (1) Steam Deck (2) Firearm(s) (3) Laser printer (4) Heating pad (5) Stovetop kettle by twovests
yes I have the 64gb one that they don't do anymore and I really like it, specifically it's great for playing computer games from my childhood while in bed and one thing that all the other handheld gaming PCs lack are the touchpads. Mouse controls work really well and my most played games on the steam deck pretty much all use the touchpad mouse functionality. Emulates the gamecube too which is the most anyone should ever need.
not allowed a gun on account of united kingdom
yeah I have an HP laser printer and laser printing is very good but I'd not get HP they're a bit scummy. Big up front cost for toner but I've had mine for 5 years and only had to replace the starting toner pack, not gone through a whole regular pack at all and I do print fairly often.
just a regular electric kettle but it's good, I drink tea every day, also on account of united kingdom
6-8. nop
When I was in university I decided to become the sort of person who always writes with a mechanical pencil and proceeded to take a few years' worth of notes entirely in mechanical pencil. I have a nice steel Parker one and it is really fun to write with.
Yeah I have a flashforge which I wouldn't necessarily recommend as the brand. Bambu are supposed to be the super great ones. I've been wrestling with mine for the past year or so but finally got it fixed properly. When they work they're amazing fun. What I say to everyone considering one though is that they are not an appliance, they are a new hobby. You will spend a lot of time troubleshooting and tinkering no matter how many automatic features your model promises. Super rewarding when you design something and get it to work properly though.
11-14. nop
- JUST POST!!!!!!
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in if you are a teacher the trick to getting kids to respect you is to play this song every day to show them you know how hard school can be by Dogmantra
I am a qualified teacher (<- this bit is true) so I can say definitively yes it does work (<- truth value undetermined)
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in Help me appreciate Soulslikes by twovests
the upgrade materials are bullshit for sure, especially in the earlier games. I didn't finish elden ring on my play but I managed to play it almost completely blind, compared to when I went through dark souls 1 where I used a lot of external help