Recent comments in /f/games
nomorepie wrote
Reply to asdsad fsadfg by legalassist
legal ass ist. deutch für legal ass is
twovests wrote
Reply to asdsad fsadfg by legalassist
not sure if this needs a crouton or not.... i actually like this post quite a bit. difficult to say
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in How Fish is Made and Perfect Vermin; two very short indie games that I love. by twovests
It's small and light and quite a delight.
Rhyme alert!
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in How Fish is Made and Perfect Vermin; two very short indie games that I love. by twovests
Nope! It's small and light and quite a delight. I read the first half in one sitting -- not something I get to do often nowadays.
nomorepie wrote
👀 I have been wanting to read Piranesi for ages, since I love Norrel and Strange, I'm surprised that it's that short (I thought it would be a doorstopper too). For what it's worth I have only heard good things about it, but I have so many unread books I would rather read those first, so I never actually get to new releases lol
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in IPS ROM Patcher. Nifty, in-browser utility for patching ROMs with IPS files. by twovests
you might not know this, but you can get them online nowadays!
i'm a certified ROM reseller, i can give you 100 roms for $30 or 300 roms for $50 :D
hollyhoppet wrote
nice, i'll use this to patch my legally made video game cartridge backups
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by missingno in Three handheld consoles, one review so far by twovests
I'm feeling similarly. I want these GameBoy shaped devices to target up to the PS1 (2D games, at least, like SotN), and then maybe a SteamDeck or similar device.
As an update, I got my RG35XX+ working again. Not sure why, but I might have re-flashed the firmware incorrectly. So, it's back in the running.
missingno wrote
Reply to Three handheld consoles, one review so far by twovests
I bought a Miyoo Mini Plus almost two years ago. Love it so much that I wish I'd bought a more expensive model with analog sticks.
Now I'm in the rabbit hole of salivating at all these fancy new handhelds on the market, but never actually buying another one because something better will be right around the corner. Holding out for the day someone gets SteamOS running in this form factor.
twovests OP wrote
Reply to Three handheld consoles, one review so far by twovests
Miyoo Mini Plus review:
It has four shoulder buttons but they are difficult to use in its form factor, and the one speaker is covered during normal play.
hollyhoppet wrote
"you can't cease and desist fun" is so good lol
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Is getting a current-gen Nvidia GPU just always impossible now? by twovests
as someone also hamstringed by workflow requirements i fully understand
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Is getting a current-gen Nvidia GPU just always impossible now? by twovests
as someone also hamstringed by workflow requirements i fully understand
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Is getting a current-gen Nvidia GPU just always impossible now? by twovests
Unfortunately, I also use my GPUs for machine learning (not gen ai! i simply specced too much time into software which only runs on CUDA) and blender (which prefers nvidia). I posted in games but I'm a poser of a poster
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Is getting a current-gen Nvidia GPU just always impossible now? by twovests
Unfortunately, I also use my GPUs for machine learning (not gen ai! i simply specced too much time into software which only runs on CUDA) and blender (which prefers nvidia). I posted in games but I'm a poser of a poster
devtesla wrote (edited )
yeah don't expect to get an nvidia card for months. it's a paper launch, where they technically have cards available for purchase but are so under demand that almost no one can get one. it's not even a scalping problem really, it would be a problem even if they weren't around. the scalpers couldn't get them either.
there's been launches like this before, 2020 was notorious, but this is bad even by graphics card standards.
gamers nexus did a video about it. they can only guess about why nvidia even launched in this state, I think the most likely reason is that they didn't know what the tariff situation would be in a few months so they're getting as many cards as they can into market now, even if it's not nearly enough.
hollyhoppet wrote
come to the amd side... it's warm and cozy here
devtesla wrote
MP4 with time powers would be cool but I think I'd rather just have a good ass normal Metroid Prime game.
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in My dad always called the game console we had "nine ten doe" by flabberghaster
Suburbs are beset by 30-50 feral hogs and 9-10 does at any time
nomorepie wrote
That's cute
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in future gen. consels wii2 ps4 xbox720? by twovests
happy to do my posting duties
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to future gen. consels wii2 ps4 xbox720? by twovests
thank you for this classic
neku wrote
Reply to One game to play in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 by Alessia
i would be more interested in rs if the levelling wasn't such a chore, but i think that's what makes it appealing to some people. i'd like to see the quests but i can't bear grinding for days to see them
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in asdsad fsadfg by legalassist
German Yoda