
twovests OP wrote

Engines. Metaphorical and literal, they're what make the world go round. Game engines are what give us video games, a form of art. Car engines are how videogame developers go to their jobs to make the videogames. But they are also how other people drive cars too. People have been making engines ever since forever. The industrial revolution was excellent for engines, and people designed a fantastic variety of engines. In this essay, I would like to compare and contrast two types of engines: The V-Twin Engine and the 270 degree parallel twin.

The V-Twin Engine is notable for both his actions, and those of his dancestor. While he effectively wrote the engine that made Sgrub possible, his alt-universe dancestor effectively was the engine that drove the trolls alpha session to victory, and his dancestor was the engine that allowed the Condesce to carry out the key items of antagonism that made the events of the Industrial Revolution possible in the first place.

Meanwhile, the 270 Degree Parallel Twin played a very different role. One might say she was more "active" than her "passive" counterpart. While her alpha-session and dancestor selves all played key roles, the 270 Degree Parallel Twin effectively placed herself as the Main Character Of The Industrial Revolution, despite appearing a full third of the way into the time period.

The two engines never did interact much, except incidentally through Sgrub and their session, but they both were effective narrative instruments for ensuring the plot kept happening. If they were to meet, I hope it would be as friends, for if one were to destroy the other, it would make the narrative untenable, and both would surely die.

In conclusion, magic is real as fuck and anything is possible. If your last name is long enough and you were born 200 years ago, you too can create new engines. If not, you might as well give up and write webcomics. Perchance.


twovests wrote

Learning enough self-hosting to set up Postmill is difficult, but doable! Having some Linux experience is a pretty good start.

I don't know your exact skill level, but I figure you're at least familiar with using the Linux command line and with using Google/StackOverflow/etc.

I'd recommend doing all your learning on a Raspberry Pi (or other spare computer to install Linux on), if you have one, so you aren't paying ~$10/month to a VPS provider.

What is your main OS? (Windows? MacOS? Linux?) This matters a bit for what tools you'd use to manage your server.

If I were to recommend some "milestones" along the way to hosting Postmill, I would break down the goals like this. Except for the Postmill specific steps, you can find good guides for any of these all over the internet:

  1. Learning:
    1. Set up Linux on a Raspberry Pi (or spare computer).
      • You can go straight to the VPS if you want.
    2. Set up SSH (using key auth only) to that Linux machine, and only use SSH to manage it. (No desktop GUI!)
    3. Set up a Caddy server on that Linux machine and set up a 'hello world' page.
      • I very highly recommend Caddy because it's very "production ready" by default, easy to install (because Go compiles to static binaries) and easy to use.
    4. Set up a Postmill instance on your Linux machine using Docker and Docker Compose.
  2. Doing:
    • You'll repeat a lot of the work you did above, but it should go a lot faster once you've done all the trial-and-error. Plus, you'll have your history from the above to refer to.
    1. Set Linux on a VPS with a provider like DigitalOcean.
    2. Buy a domain from a registrar like IWantMyName, and set up the A and AAAA records to point to your VPS.
    3. Set up SSH (using key auth only -- extra important this time!) to the server, if you didn't in part 1.
    4. Set up a Caddy server and set up a hello world to your domain.
    5. Install Postmill on your VPS using Docker and Docker Compose

I luv to talk about this stuff so pls ask any questions you have :3


twovests OP wrote

I really appreciate this c:

I feel some kind of... Internal friction? About going on a trans forum and saying "Hey all, I'm not taking HRT <3". But I do very much appreciate people being okay with that.

I love the "queering the cis-trans binary" thing. I never felt very correct about IDing as trans, but between the two boxes, it's T 100%.

I keep wavering between "tapering off HRT" and "Oh, I can have another E as a treat" to the point where even this post is out of date lol.

(also, thank u for commenting on the terf criticism and saying it was funny. i worry that my posts about terfs and transphobes might be too esoteric or hurtful to consider)