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neku wrote

writing an essay for uni right now and i'm here to say that your opinion isn't right


twovests OP wrote

u gotta love posting


neku wrote

i think posts have an elan that an essay for class does not


Dogmantra wrote

you write essays because class demands it, you can't just post on demand, posting is from the heart and fingers or perhaps speech to text device


nomorepie wrote

Elan is a good word


neku wrote

i originally was going to write "joie de vivre" but i wasn't sure if it was too much so i replaced it with a synonym that was really just as pretentious


nomorepie wrote

Never fear to be too much, in the bloodsport of posting


flabberghaster wrote

Please write a five paragraph essay comparing and contrasting a v-twin motorcycle engine and a 270° parallel twin.


twovests OP wrote

Engines. Metaphorical and literal, they're what make the world go round. Game engines are what give us video games, a form of art. Car engines are how videogame developers go to their jobs to make the videogames. But they are also how other people drive cars too. People have been making engines ever since forever. The industrial revolution was excellent for engines, and people designed a fantastic variety of engines. In this essay, I would like to compare and contrast two types of engines: The V-Twin Engine and the 270 degree parallel twin.

The V-Twin Engine is notable for both his actions, and those of his dancestor. While he effectively wrote the engine that made Sgrub possible, his alt-universe dancestor effectively was the engine that drove the trolls alpha session to victory, and his dancestor was the engine that allowed the Condesce to carry out the key items of antagonism that made the events of the Industrial Revolution possible in the first place.

Meanwhile, the 270 Degree Parallel Twin played a very different role. One might say she was more "active" than her "passive" counterpart. While her alpha-session and dancestor selves all played key roles, the 270 Degree Parallel Twin effectively placed herself as the Main Character Of The Industrial Revolution, despite appearing a full third of the way into the time period.

The two engines never did interact much, except incidentally through Sgrub and their session, but they both were effective narrative instruments for ensuring the plot kept happening. If they were to meet, I hope it would be as friends, for if one were to destroy the other, it would make the narrative untenable, and both would surely die.

In conclusion, magic is real as fuck and anything is possible. If your last name is long enough and you were born 200 years ago, you too can create new engines. If not, you might as well give up and write webcomics. Perchance.