hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to is there a female version of himbo/thembo? "herbo" just sounds like "herbivore" by twovests
maybe butch or dyke? those are lesbian archetypes though so maybe a little too narrow
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by neku in whats the best vice to have by I_got_killed_one_time
i think this is the best reply lmao
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to here's how bernie can still win by hollyhoppet
i'm putting this post in my portfolio
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to whats the best vice to have by I_got_killed_one_time
video games
hollyhoppet wrote
yeah it really sucks people are resorting to agism to criticize biden instead of... you know... milquetoast campaign promise implementations and defense of a genocide
but liberals never really cared about avoiding prejudices unless it was politically expedient to. it's like they live in a world where intersectionality doesn't exist
hollyhoppet wrote
thanks for the reminder! will probably do that after this heat wave is over
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to 1HOUR ENDURANCE:OP theme "Shikairo Days" Intro | My Deer Friend Nokotan | It's Anime by nitori
i've heard this anime's pretty good
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in new jstpst mandatory tone indicators by twovests
i agree /funny
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in do you think it is rude to go clothes shopping with headphones on by neku
i like this suggestion a lot
hollyhoppet wrote
i wouldn't say it's rude, because what's actually rude is the system that requires employees ask somebody wearing headphones if they need help. honestly a tough call tbh but at the end of the day i think it should come down to whether or not you mind having to take you headphones off and go whuh.
i would be such a bad employee if i saw someone wearing headphones i would just leave them alone lol.
hollyhoppet admin wrote
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in It's anti-semitic to conflate Zionism with being Jewish by twovests
The far right weaponizes leterally everything lol so I don't think it would be wrong at all. It's just worth not ignoring the fact that biden is siccing militarized police on protesters for being "anti-semitic" too.
hollyhoppet wrote
There's a big push by the far-right news media in the US to conflate Zionism with Jewishness, and so, to conflate anti-Zionism with anti-semitism.
My friend the American left is doing this too lmao. But yeah you are completely correct on all points anyway.
hollyhoppet wrote
you'll live
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in oh hey admins can lock posts now neat by hollyhoppet
hey u too
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to oh hey admins can lock posts now neat by hollyhoppet
only me and devtesla can comment on this muhahaha
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to If they announce bloodborne for PC soon, just know that it was me that made it happen. by Caribou
god i would kill for bloodborne on pc
hell i would kill just for a blooborne that ran at a solid 30fps lol
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in If they announce bloodborne for PC soon, just know that it was me that made it happen. by Caribou
hollyhoppet wrote
official assassination
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by emma in eggdog bowling by hollyhoppet
but eggdog is life
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to It really still makes me angry the way people have stopped caring about Covid. by flabberghaster
yeah it's so fucked
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to how do you play new videogames by oolong
with a controller
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to i really need to put more salt in my cooking, but i'm always afraid of oversalting it and then i can't undo it by ___
youre allowed and actually encouraged to take a little bit while it's in the pot to taste
also there's no problem with adding salt to your liking after it's served either
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by I_got_killed_one_time in I've got another (non-invasive) surgery scheduled for July 5 by hollyhoppet
probably fine? i had about ten surgeries during this period. literal medical horror. it's hard to keep track of them all at this point.