flabberghaster wrote
Reply to i deleted duolingo by emma
I hopped on Duolingo for a way to brush up on Spanish but all the questions are easy. I'm told i can just keep skipping ahead beyond where it puts you automatically, but I took their level assessment quiz to place me and I got no questions wrong at all.
I think they might be good for "I know three sentences of XYZ language or less, and want to be able to read a newspaper article" or something, but I don't know how much the format can help someone whose level is at "I can pretty much hold a conversation with a native speaker, if they're patient and understanding."
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in There are too many notifications all the time on my phone. by flabberghaster
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Mexico should reinvade and take California and Texas. by flabberghaster
I was, Texas by settlers who wanted to introduce slavery and California was taken as part of the treaty to end the Mexican American war.
But I was thinking a hypothetical Mexican Revanchist position is so fringe and silly that it could be joked about, while Land Back is serious and should be done.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Mexico should reinvade and take California and Texas. by flabberghaster
I agree with you but it wouldn't make a very good shitpost. That's a legit position and I couldn't then joke around about it.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to worlds best post censored by moderators becomes worlds greatest controversy. its title? "heh... by facts and logic... you must vote for joe biden" by twovests
Even though I know a trump win will be disastrous, I will not be voting for Genocide Joe for two main reasons. Three really.
The first is, given my state, my vote doesn't matter. But I feel that that is a huge cop out, and I acknowledge that. There's so many things people say "well my opinion on it doesn't matter so I don't need a position on this." If you're weighing in on politics, you're implicitly saying you want people to take you and your politics seriously so you have to have an answer for how you'd like things. So, I won't be voting for him, and it doesn't matter if I do or don't, but I'm not just trying to avoid the question.
Number two, the dude spent the entire primary saying everything I want politically is stupid and he has zero interest in it. He then spent his entire term in office continuing to say all the stuff I wanted (student loan cancellation, climate action, an end to the maltreatment of refugees, I could go on) was never gonna happen. He doesn't want my vote. He thinks he can get by without it and he thinks we're all silly for having the politics we do. Maybe he's right, I don't know.
Third, the man is engaged in an ongoing genocide. This is a red line. I will never vote for him. Even if he had done every other thing I wanted, I find it shocking that saying "assisting in a genocide is a red line for me" seems to be an alien concept for a lot of people.
I won't vote for 99% Hitler to stop 100% Hitler because I won't vote for Hitler.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by oolong in Mexico should reinvade and take California and Texas. by flabberghaster
They should take it or not, up to them. Same as Arizona. Freebies, but not required.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in Unicode Snowman for You by 500poundsofnothing
flabberghaster wrote (edited )
Reply to I hate the victimism surrounding the discourse of Facebook possibly EEE'ing the fediverse like in XMPP by nitori
Take the big corporation's move as a victory and vindication of your open cause, but also see it as a wake-up call and challenge to support your favorite implementation's developers and their spec writers, whether by money, code, or simple evangelism ("hey bestie look at Misskey it has custom reactions which you can't do in Threads!")
I sort of think this is wrong. The reason they're currently playing nice is because they see a green field that's open to them. Fediverse has been a success! This is true! They wouldn't bother to EEE it I'd it hadn't been.
But, this is always how it goes. This is the "embrace" phase of the cycle. I don't think the people who are virulently opposed to Facebook integrating are oblivious to that. And also, using it as an opportunity to tout features threads still lacks, I think, is a losing game, because Facebook has billions if dollars and the ability to clone any features someone might want. An open project like any if the fedi clients cannot compete with them on features, all it has is the ability to say "we're not going to enable a genocide like FB does and we're a bit better at respecting your autonomy and privacy."
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to I put an HD DVD drive in my computer today by emma
I haven't had any physical media in years; I just have a file server I put my media on.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to becoming an astronaut to fulfill my childhood dream of dropkicking the mars rover by Jenheadjen
it's the size of a very small car so i hope you're doing a lot of leg presses
flabberghaster wrote
The world's first denim flavored snack
flabberghaster wrote
What the hell!
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by oolong in I've invented a new wet, sloppy movie theater treat, it's called plopcorn. by flabberghaster
Why would anyone want that?
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in I've invented a new wet, sloppy movie theater treat, it's called plopcorn. by flabberghaster
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in I've invented a new wet, sloppy movie theater treat, it's called plopcorn. by flabberghaster
It involves a lot of moisture
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to and i'm javert by winter
jean valjean valjean valjean
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to i love yyyy-mm-dd dates & 12-hour clocks, and i also hate unix timestamps. we exist. by emma
I use 24 hour time on all my devices but I only say stuff out loud like "I get off at 17:30" when I'm trying to annoy the person I'm telling that to. Normally I just translate it in my head.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in the worst change to halo is when they gave spartans genders to sell cosmetics. spartans were supposed to be agender is the thing by twovests
Are they really a gender? Or are they just raised totally unconnected from that? I guess if you raised them in an environment that had no meaning for the term gender at all that might count, but I don't know. That's a toughie.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to the worst change to halo is when they gave spartans genders to sell cosmetics. spartans were supposed to be agender is the thing by twovests
I thought they were kids kidnapped from their parents and replaced with clones, who died, to cover the tracks, and then put through horrible medical experiments that most of them didn't survive to make them into supersoldiers
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to the uk if LIBERALS took over 🤮🤮🤮🤮 by ___
Westminster would be changed to west interfaith council !!!
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by anethum in I believe, if you do not wear a mask in indoor public spaces, you should face jail time by flabberghaster
while having the "everyone else is a selfish asshole" mindset, is just psychologically untenable
Hard to draw any other conclusion
During the early part of the pandemic, everyone was saying "we're all in this together! Social distance, wear a mask, you're supposed to protect other people!" It was a great outpouring of support for collective action. It was wonderful.
But almost the minute the vaccines became available, people immediately shifted to saying, "oh, I'm safe from it, I don't need it. If you're vulnerable, I don't mind if you wear a mask but I am safe from it." Or "I already had it, so I don't mind."
While everyone felt they were in danger, it was a collective action problem that we all had to protect each other. As soon as people felt like they personally were safe from it, suddenly everyone else's health was their problem, don't tread on me.
The mask came off, literally.
I don't think people are inherently selfish, I just think we live in a poisonous, atomized and individualistic culture where thinking about others or taking steps to protect others at minor expense to yourself is just an alien concept to most people due to our upbringing.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in I believe, if you do not wear a mask in indoor public spaces, you should face jail time by flabberghaster
in any case i understand where youre coming from but public health does not come about by scolding individual people into changing their behaviour.
I agree, it won't work, but I'm just out here venting my frustration, not trying to pass a law.
fundamentally the advice from all the world governments and health agencies is that masking indoors is now largely unnecessary.
They are wrong
it makes me wonder if this is really about public health at all or if this is an easy shortcut for you to crudely write people off as uncaring. are you immunocompromised? do you know immunocompromised people
I know multiple people who are now long term disabled due to covid, and who've ended up in the hospital from it. And even if I didn't, why do I have to personally know someone with a condition in order to be allowed to care?
if there is value in people then it means you have to change things, and that's harder than retreating into doomer shit.
Don't call me a doomer who's looking for an excuse to check out just because I made a pissed off post. You presume way too much. I don't believe everyone on earth is a selfish monster, what I really believe is that I wish people would pay more attention and have more of a heart, and that I was pissed off and exaggerating.
also "the only thing you can do is source control" is obviously untrue. if that were the true there would be no point in wearing a mask when everybody else is going unmasked
One way masking is far less effective than everyone masking. Source control is the only real solution that you as an individual can take to prevent spreading the disease. Wearing a mask to protect yourself helps, but not nearly as much as if everyone is wearing one.
But yes, if no one else is bothering I can easily understand why one might decide it's futile and give up. I just think it's selfish to do so.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to sorry twovests popos doesn’t work on my machine by hollyhoppet
dislexically misread this as "poops doesn't work on my machine"