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flabberghaster OP wrote

in any case i understand where youre coming from but public health does not come about by scolding individual people into changing their behaviour.

I agree, it won't work, but I'm just out here venting my frustration, not trying to pass a law.

fundamentally the advice from all the world governments and health agencies is that masking indoors is now largely unnecessary.

They are wrong

it makes me wonder if this is really about public health at all or if this is an easy shortcut for you to crudely write people off as uncaring. are you immunocompromised? do you know immunocompromised people

I know multiple people who are now long term disabled due to covid, and who've ended up in the hospital from it. And even if I didn't, why do I have to personally know someone with a condition in order to be allowed to care?

if there is value in people then it means you have to change things, and that's harder than retreating into doomer shit.

Don't call me a doomer who's looking for an excuse to check out just because I made a pissed off post. You presume way too much. I don't believe everyone on earth is a selfish monster, what I really believe is that I wish people would pay more attention and have more of a heart, and that I was pissed off and exaggerating.

also "the only thing you can do is source control" is obviously untrue. if that were the true there would be no point in wearing a mask when everybody else is going unmasked

One way masking is far less effective than everyone masking. Source control is the only real solution that you as an individual can take to prevent spreading the disease. Wearing a mask to protect yourself helps, but not nearly as much as if everyone is wearing one.

But yes, if no one else is bothering I can easily understand why one might decide it's futile and give up. I just think it's selfish to do so.