devtesla wrote
Reply to Trying out Feedbin as an RSS reader. I think I like it. And it fetches updates from here without breaking and doesn’t completely fuck up displaying Mastodon posts. by voxpoplar
There's a reason I've been a subscriber for a decade it's real good.
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Trying out Feedbin as an RSS reader. I think I like it. And it fetches updates from here without breaking and doesn’t completely fuck up displaying Mastodon posts. by voxpoplar
I don't think you can self-host feedbin but I think it's worth the $5/month
devtesla wrote
I'm doing the same, husband too
devtesla wrote
I understood the basic plot, but I feel like there is More To Understand.
The key to understanding Spirited Away is that it's meant as a way to pass along values to specifically Japanese kids in 2001, but it's doing so in an open ended dreamy way. It's a lecture from your granddad that spins off wildly. I don't think there's really that much there, it just boils down to "work hard, there's no shortcuts, don't be greedy" but it's kind of fascinating anyway.
I'm not as big on Miyazaki as I am on the rest of the great Japanese animators, he's so focused on achieving a certain standard of quality that there's a lack of risk in the projects he takes on and they kind of turn out blah. He's definitely a great entertainer tho and there's some undeniable masterpieces. I love Porco Rosso and was pleasantly surprised that The Boy and The Heron rules
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by missingno in Spirited Away is fantastic! Takeaways from my first Ghibli movie by twovests
these days dubs are almost always good
I would argue against this, just because there's so many speed dubs that come out as fast as possible, like weeks after the shows air. They can be pretty bad depending on the show! But yeah most movies have great dubs.
devtesla wrote (edited )
oh lol that did happen lmao
I don't even remember what it was about
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in I'm gonna make a bunch of cookies and not let you have ANY by flabberghaster
changing their name to flabannedghaster
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to works of studio Fullbright by devtesla
You don't have to look up what Toilet Spiders is. If you're unaware of the story, Gaynor got kicked out of his own studio during the development of what was going to be Fullbright's next game because he's an asshole, sued to retain the Fullbright name, and now is releasing $5 early access horror games as a solo dev.
devtesla wrote
Discord replacing IRC is bad. Discord replacing open web forums is a catastrophe for indexable information.
devtesla wrote
When things are out of control I focus on family, money, small scale stuff. I think of it as building a life raft. A flood is coming and you need everything you can possibly hold on to.
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by I_got_killed_one_time in crouton by ___
Dark magic
devtesla wrote
Reply to if you haven't seen Only Connect before its an insane quiz show from the uk where they get really smart people to find patterns and connections in seemingly unrelated things. you should watch it by neku
it's extremely funny that the hot new nyt puzzle game is just the final round of a British tv show that's run for over a decade
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in every post that mentions srs, reddit, or the fempire is dealing me psychological damage by devtesla
no, just post
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Is there any way of getting the [Aa] for posts with a text body back? [Aa] by Dogmantra
Thank you emma!!!
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to every post that mentions srs, reddit, or the fempire is dealing me psychological damage by devtesla
There was a comment mentioning Imzy tho, which gave me health. I'm so glad I avoided getting involved there Lol
devtesla wrote
I tried to get it work and couldn't, but we'll give it some more shots. Sorry about that!
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Is there any way of getting the [Aa] for posts with a text body back? [Aa] by Dogmantra
I tried to make a custom theme with that in it, but I ran into a character limit with the theme admin panel Lol. We'll figure it out eventually
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by Moonside in I miss the old days of SRS by cowloom
I don't think so but I don't know all of them....
devtesla wrote
yeah do it. "just post" includes making new forums
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by neku in I miss the old days of SRS by cowloom
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in I miss the old days of SRS by cowloom
the three I know all went on to either become an infamous internet figure or already were Lol
devtesla wrote
You did it
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in Trying out Feedbin as an RSS reader. I think I like it. And it fetches updates from here without breaking and doesn’t completely fuck up displaying Mastodon posts. by voxpoplar
I'm an iOSer so there isn't one I use, the feedbin developer lists a few tho.