Submitted by neku in just_post (edited )

the questions on this episode are a little easier than most episodes but the rapport between the contestants is nice. sometimes its a little too UK specific but a lot of trivia is like that in my experience.



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Dogmantra wrote

only connect is the best quiz show on television, and there is no feeling quite like getting a 5-point (for those who haven't watched, getting 5 points for an answer means getting the connection between four things having seen only one of the things)


nomorepie wrote

I have watched a bit of it because people in the Taskmaster discord were talking about it, but I did not get it at all. VCM is nice though.


devtesla wrote

it's extremely funny that the hot new nyt puzzle game is just the final round of a British tv show that's run for over a decade


Dogmantra wrote (edited )

the penultimate* round, if you're referring to connections, the final round of only connect is missing vowels (<- me being irritating)

*and also worst


cowloom wrote

that round where they guessed the right answer based only on 7:36 pm was crazy

also I have to point out that in the telescope picture, the red arrow was actually pointing to the eyepiece, not the finder scope. the finder is the mini telescope attached to the body of the big telescope. they messed that one up

another fun quiz show is Says You!, but that one is a radio show.