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emma wrote

i think i should just put that straight into postmill, honestly

until then, you could use a custom user style containing:

.submission--has-body .submission__link::after {
  content: ' [Aa]';

nitori wrote

Damn, jstpst exporting its cultural greatness to the other Postmills of the world


cowloom wrote (edited )

didn't even know custom user styles were a feature, neat!

my bad, it's not a postmill feature

but still, thank you for all the hard work you do


devtesla wrote

I tried to make a custom theme with that in it, but I ran into a character limit with the theme admin panel Lol. We'll figure it out eventually


Dogmantra OP wrote

oh thank you! where on the site do I add a custom user style, as I will be adding this POSTHASTE!


emma wrote

sorry, i was a bit unclear. a user style is a thing you add in your browser. you probably need an extension for that, but i haven't kept up with those in forever, so idk which one.