
cute_spider wrote

someone on the reddit site made the point that if a queer space has a cis-het person or two, that was a good sign that the space was widely accepting to anyone, including people who are questioning or confused. spaces without a token cishet may also be inclusive, but may also expect a minimum level of "queerness" and may also expect other uniformities of thought and identity

But, like... pride? Pride has a ton of cishet allies why would we change that?


cute_spider OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by twovests in 2 by cute_spider

well yes but it would be awful silly of me to absolutely respect the rules and bannings of such a silly sub where the rules did not matter


cute_spider OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by twovests in 2 by cute_spider

Yeah I can submit but I wont until you tell me I'm unbanned

edit: nvm it is okay to break rules in order to test systems. I can post yes.


cute_spider OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by cute_spider in test bird by cute_spider

It looks like someone's gotta update the file "_macros.html.twig" line 63 & 64

<img src="{{ submission.image|imagine_filter('submission_thumbnail_1x') }}"
srcset="{{ submission.image|imagine_filter('submission_thumbnail_2x') }} 2x"


<img src="{{ submission.image|imagine_filter('submission_thumbnail_1x')|split('://')[1] }}"
srcset="{{ submission.image|imagine_filter('submission_thumbnail_2x')|split('://')[1] }} 2x"

that would be my best guess.

I mean ideally imagine_filter would return https instead of http, but idk how to mess with imagine_filter