Recent comments in /f/just_post
twovests wrote
Reply to I should make some soup by flabberghaster
did you make soup?
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by WRETCHEDSORCERESS in I should make some soup by flabberghaster
Reply to I should make some soup by flabberghaster
You must make soup
for there is a beast of goop
that haunts those who cannot scoop
a nice sip of soup
twovests OP wrote
Reply to by twovests
How do you explain how inexcusable this is to most people? It's not even universal that tech people know what a CA does.
This breaks encryption, by letting a server that is not say, "Hi, I am, and here is my public key". The cert authority is the one that checks the public keys are good. You have to trust that Microsoft trusts the right CAs, and they seemingly do not.
bad bad bad!!
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Molasses (superfood) by twovests
dear holly,
Unlike highly refined sugars, molasses contains significant amounts of vitamin B6 and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese; one tablespoon provides up to 20% of the recommended daily value of each of those nutrients. Blackstrap is also a good source of potassium.[13]
i think this is notable when compared to corn syrup, maple syrup, and even honey
i was considering making a pecan pie, but they are so cloyingly sweet. upping the pecan content and using molasses instead of karo sounds like a great move.
further, adding (superfood) makes this funny, because it's like. not a health food. it's still molasses.
yours truly,
- john gr- hey wait a minute
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Hot Dr Pepper by hollyhoppet
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Molasses (superfood) by twovests
dear twovests,
why did you add "superfood" to the title of this article link?
yours truly,
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Hot Dr Pepper by hollyhoppet
they are the same people who loved andrew garfield spiderman
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Hot Dr Pepper by hollyhoppet
the thing about hot dr pepper 2 is so many people are gushing about it in the comments so i feel like i'm just missing something. or like maybe i'm too old for it.
twovests wrote
Reply to Hot Dr Pepper by hollyhoppet
Ah yes, the classice "Hot Dr Pepper" YouTube video, a classic as classic as the classic "Hot Dr Pepper" beverage. Really a 10/10 video.
Really sad to see they deleted all their other videos when they uploaded Hot Dr Pepper 2 two years ago. As funny as it is to say, I am 100% sincere when I say MatrixSlide fell off with Hot Dr Pepper 2. It's a straight remake of the original with absolutely no creative additions to balance out how much other culture was lost. Utterly 0/10.
Jailbreaking iPhones in the Apple Store. The App that Apple forgot about. The Herobrine video. Eruption. MTA. All lost, for NOTHING.
I'm fuming. I'm going to need a hot Dr. Pepper.
nomorepie wrote
Reply to Never Stop Posting by twovests
And in hell you gotta post in Facebook groups
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Between the made-up words, breaking poetric structure for cheap drama, over-use of the aside, the indecisiveness between prose and verse, and the "get-out-of-jail-free" card of the blank verse, we have crowned Shakespeare as the Worst Playwright Of All Time. by twovests
Willy needy drinky.
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Why do we have kWh when we already had joules by flabberghaster
ah, so the watt wasn't defined to be one joule per second the mid 20th century. before that it was close by coincidence but not exactly that.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by SWORDSCROSSED in Why do we have kWh when we already had joules by flabberghaster
It's worse than it being watts, IMO. 1 kWh = 3.6 megajoules. It's just a weird scaling factor.
flabberghaster OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Why do we have kWh when we already had joules by flabberghaster
Well I mean specifically that a watt is defined as one joule of energy per second, energy over time. Then we multiply that by time and we're left with a kWh being the same dimension as the Joule.
It's like if we measured distance by saying how many "velocity seconds" apart things were. (Which we do in space, we measure vast distances by light seconds but that's not my point)
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Between the made-up words, breaking poetric structure for cheap drama, over-use of the aside, the indecisiveness between prose and verse, and the "get-out-of-jail-free" card of the blank verse, we have crowned Shakespeare as the Worst Playwright Of All Time. by twovests
We? Not me. For the aforementioned reasons, I'd call him The Worst Playwright Of All Time. You can etch that into my gravestone, or any public restroom stall, or into my flesh even
SWORDSCROSSED wrote (edited )
It gets worse! In the EU large appliances like refrigerators or washing machines have their power usage specified in kWh/1000 h… which is just watts
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to Between the made-up words, breaking poetric structure for cheap drama, over-use of the aside, the indecisiveness between prose and verse, and the "get-out-of-jail-free" card of the blank verse, we have crowned Shakespeare as the Worst Playwright Of All Time. by twovests
Shakespeare was doing his era's equivalent of "cromulent chumpfuckery" but we consider him a hero.
twovests OP wrote
Reply to Never Stop Posting by twovests
the name's bonds.... lesbonds....
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by oolong in last chance to save big on croutonmail, says 50th notification saying that by emma
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by oolong in Between the made-up words, breaking poetric structure for cheap drama, over-use of the aside, the indecisiveness between prose and verse, and the "get-out-of-jail-free" card of the blank verse, we have crowned Shakespeare as the Worst Playwright Of All Time. by twovests
We said he was the worst playwright, not the worst undead buddy!
nitori OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in jstpst is now in the fediverse, kind of by nitori
that's fair
oolong wrote
Reply to Between the made-up words, breaking poetric structure for cheap drama, over-use of the aside, the indecisiveness between prose and verse, and the "get-out-of-jail-free" card of the blank verse, we have crowned Shakespeare as the Worst Playwright Of All Time. by twovests
but he's my friend :c
oolong wrote
crouton male -- wants you to save big
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in I should make some soup by flabberghaster
i will tomorrow