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twovests OP wrote

Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Molasses (superfood) by twovests

dear holly,

Unlike highly refined sugars, molasses contains significant amounts of vitamin B6 and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese; one tablespoon provides up to 20% of the recommended daily value of each of those nutrients. Blackstrap is also a good source of potassium.[13]

i think this is notable when compared to corn syrup, maple syrup, and even honey

i was considering making a pecan pie, but they are so cloyingly sweet. upping the pecan content and using molasses instead of karo sounds like a great move.

further, adding (superfood) makes this funny, because it's like. not a health food. it's still molasses.

yours truly,

  • john gr- hey wait a minute