Recent comments in /f/dinner
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to vegan tenders by Jenheadjen
Tegan venders lol
underscores wrote
Reply to Tempeh Peanut Noodles by cowloom
I made noodles and peanut sauce last night too. I had it with tofu, pea leaves, bok choi, and scallions. I was too lazy to marinade anything though.
I should get back into using tempeh more. I mostly stopped using it a few years ago when I was getting a lot of migraines. Supposedly the tyramine in fermented foods can be a trigger.
twovests wrote
Reply to pot pie potsticker buns by skookin
cowloom wrote
Reply to The Enchanted Broccoli Stir-Fry by WRETCHEDSORCERESS
sounds sublime :)
nomorepie wrote
Reply to below average burger by Jenheadjen
Americans will kill me for this but I rarely find burgers all that good
Reply to below average burger by Jenheadjen
though this baleful burger harbors a dearth of delicious, do not lose heart!
one must imagine a land of better burgers. of bountiful buns and prodigious patties! gardens of gainly greens and cartons of commendable condiments!
god willing we shall all of us together reach those lands of fabulous foodstuff. our dear wounded world is not dying: we are all made midwives to the world to come! a world of better burgers!
Jenheadjen wrote
Reply to pasghetti and meatballs by hollyhoppet
the classic
nomorepie wrote
Reply to pasghetti and meatballs by hollyhoppet
Now that's what I call dinner!
nomorepie OP wrote
Reply to comment by I_got_killed_one_time in Tomato soup and cheese toastie by nomorepie
lowest effort meal that's also for children
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
Reply to Tomato soup and cheese toastie by nomorepie
i was trying to discern how this was a f/orced masc post for a second
twovests wrote
Reply to frozen lasagna by Jenheadjen
these go down a LOT better if you use heat to unfreeze them
cowloom OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by sarah in 3 much happier veggie burgers by cowloom
I wish I knew! I don't remember doing anything different in the cooking/assembling process.
sarah wrote
Reply to 3 much happier veggie burgers by cowloom
mmmh nice how'd you make them that they turned out so different :)
cowloom OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in roasted acorn squash, broccoli, and potatoes by cowloom
indeed it was
twovests wrote
Reply to roasted acorn squash, broccoli, and potatoes by cowloom
delicious... wonderful even...
Alessia wrote
Chips and fries are different but nobody wants to explain nuance to Americans so we just tell them they're the same.
cowloom wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Chips ("Fries" for any americans in the audience) by Jenheadjen
Maybe it was written by the department of redundancy department
nitori wrote
French chips
Jenheadjen OP wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Chips ("Fries" for any americans in the audience) by Jenheadjen
I don't know. That's scary
emma wrote
if those are the same thing, then why have i seen 'fish and chips with french fries' at two different restaurants?
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to 2 different varieties of vegan nuggets by Jenheadjen
david schwimmer voice could you BE any more vegan?
Jenheadjen OP wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in 2 different varieties of vegan nuggets by Jenheadjen
i think i liked the sweet chilli ones a little more. But they were both good
nomorepie wrote
Reply to 2 different varieties of vegan nuggets by Jenheadjen
Which one was better
Jenheadjen OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Hotdog by Jenheadjen
Hotdog Dinner, the hot new trend spreading across the nation
skookin wrote
Reply to fried chicken, potato wedges, green beans, and a coke by hollyhoppet
that sounds so good