Recent comments in /f/dinner

underscores wrote

I made noodles and peanut sauce last night too. I had it with tofu, pea leaves, bok choi, and scallions. I was too lazy to marinade anything though.

I should get back into using tempeh more. I mostly stopped using it a few years ago when I was getting a lot of migraines. Supposedly the tyramine in fermented foods can be a trigger.



though this baleful burger harbors a dearth of delicious, do not lose heart!

one must imagine a land of better burgers. of bountiful buns and prodigious patties! gardens of gainly greens and cartons of commendable condiments!

god willing we shall all of us together reach those lands of fabulous foodstuff. our dear wounded world is not dying: we are all made midwives to the world to come! a world of better burgers!