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twovests wrote

Personally I feel offended that you would interpret my participation in a silly post as an indication that I have "low self esteem". I feel insulted that you would think I have such a sick and twisted worldview that I would think anyone can deserve to be insulted.

My heart is broken

(this is a bit and i love u)


cowloom wrote

You're not alone at all. I feel the same way. At least with the pandemic, we knew those tend to fizzle out after a few years, but there's no standard expiration date for fascism. 2023 had plenty of problems, but from inside the US, it seemed to be the first relatively "normal" year since 2015 - and it will likely be the last normal one for quite a while. But while hardships are sure to come, falling into defeatism is doing trump's work for him (not that that's what you're doing; it's just a common sentiment I've seen online). The "it's all over, we're so cooked" mentality is just as harmful as the maga one. Because it's never "over" as long as people are willing to fight back.


rain wrote

One of my driving motivations to go get new glasses is it has become to difficult to read for pleasure. Reading is one of the things that makes life worth living.


emma OP wrote

does working on the pi offer you any automation / relief from the openwrt woes you had on the old router?

yeah, ansible works very well with raspbian, and just debian in general. openwrt uses like overlayfs and is very limited compared to a normal linux system, so although you could probably get ansible to work (it just needs ssh and python on the target system), it sounds like it'd be painful.

and why did you choose a compute module?

chip shortage, that was the only model i could get at the time. also the ethernet hat was like purpose-made for what i wanted a pi for.