
twovests OP wrote

This is the big thing blocking me from trying it even in passing curiosity.

That, and AFAIK the only feature I'm sold on (jails) doesn't have nearly the same support as Docker.

With jails I could probably become a BSD VPS provider in a few weeks of work, but I couldn't do any of the things that I'm liking about Docker.


twovests OP wrote

Oh yeah, I've been convinced on the "BSD > Linux" debate ever since the most beautiful woman I've ever known waxed poetic on the elegance and power of BSD jails in comparison to Docker / LXC.

I have no compelling reason to use BSD desktop, my VPS provider doesn't support any BSD, I don't want to build my own router, etc.

It must be pretty arcane, it's used on... Checks the wikipedia article for FreeBSD Oh



twovests OP wrote

nono my favorite operating system is linux

i'm making fun of the linux community who happily adopts an underdog mindset by mental gymnastics

haiku and BSD are considered "linuxier" than androids and chromebooks, and only the most annoying linux nerds know what haiku and bsd are


twovests wrote

Reply to Autumn river by nitori

I like the compression, gives it a crunchy pixel-art feeling :)

(and takes up less space hehe)


twovests OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in superfood by twovests

Kind of!

If you're not familiar, they soak up liquid and become gooey (apparently it's called mucilage.) You can just drink them.

I don't know if this is how it actually works or not, but I feel like the chia seeds moderate the rate at which caffeine enters the body. The result being longer energy and less of a spike.

It also means I can go to a cafe and order a coffee that is secretly also a breakfast. A "life hack", as you will,

EDIT: I want to stress that Aldi or Walmart is the way to go for cheap chia seeds. Something like $4 to $6 for 12oz.


twovests OP wrote

I still think about this often, your response really changed my viewpoint!! I do appreciate you sharing it

If it means anything I ended up finding an AI art community, with an emphasis on disability, lead by someone who emphasizes ethical models :0 There is a sizable amount of people doing this :0


twovests OP wrote

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