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500poundsofnothing wrote

It must be so difficult for you, having your favorite operating system disrespected and all that.


twovests OP wrote

nono my favorite operating system is linux

i'm making fun of the linux community who happily adopts an underdog mindset by mental gymnastics

haiku and BSD are considered "linuxier" than androids and chromebooks, and only the most annoying linux nerds know what haiku and bsd are


flabberghaster wrote

I was briefly in a BSD server because I wanted to run it on my NAS so I could use ZFS in it's native environment but needed help debugging some driver issues.

The BSD people in there all hated Linux. It was kind of funny. And they have some pretty fair reasons but it was still funny what a chip they had on their shoulders.


twovests OP wrote

Oh yeah, I've been convinced on the "BSD > Linux" debate ever since the most beautiful woman I've ever known waxed poetic on the elegance and power of BSD jails in comparison to Docker / LXC.

I have no compelling reason to use BSD desktop, my VPS provider doesn't support any BSD, I don't want to build my own router, etc.

It must be pretty arcane, it's used on... Checks the wikipedia article for FreeBSD Oh



nitori wrote

my VPS provider doesn't support any BSD

You should switch provider, my obscure Hong Kong-based VPS provider has FreeBSD images lol and I use one for my personal VPS (which I came to regret because upgrading is a pain lol)