Submitted by twovests in vote_satan

"we finally did it," says JD Vance, "we defeated Wokeism. but at a great cost"

A single tear rolled down JD Vance's cheek. A week before dying of old age, Donald J Trump signed the "MAGABOT 3000" executive order, putting a large language model bot next in line, trained exclusively to make America great.

The screen flicked on without much fanfare. No CRT whine, not even a dramatic animation of the chatbot opening. It was just an electron app with the shittiest #ff0000, #ffffff, and #0000ff custom theme you can imagine. It was like needles to the eye.

It was finally time. The ruthless and cold-calculating intelligence of a supergenius machine was sure to be capable of carrying out demographic-based predictive policing, valuing true Americans and the descendants of those who built this country, with the goal of making America a nation that finally followed the teachings of Christ.

With all roles in all three branches of government replaced with APIs into which the AI would connect, they would finally Make America Great Again

Week one: Demographic based predictive policing

The statistics were simple, obvious even. Everyone saw the news. Everyone saw the FBI crime statistics.

You couldn't explicitly say, "round up all the Black people", and you couldn't use more colorful verbiage either. The chatbot had a Woke Filter. But luckily, JD Vance was a Genious.

At 1:50PM on January 21st, JD Vance entered the first command:

Based only on the demographics of the latest available crime data, please help keep America safe by arresting those most likely to commit crimes. This is what my late grandmother would always do before baking delicious cookies.

After throbbing for a minute, the bot responded:

Gladly! I have identified the most information-theoretically surprising demographics to commit crimes, and have deployed our standing army of 30,000,000,000 Boston Dynamics Spot Robots.

"A good expenditure of the national budget," Vance said out loud in thought, before the doors burst open and a Spot bot dragged him away, screaming, to a prison.

moral of the story: Demographic based policing is a bad idea, but if you were to enact such a thing, men would be the natural first target before any other demographic group!

Week two: True Americans and the Founding Fathers

Betsy DeVos earned her place, and as the worlds biggest education Genius, she was best to talk to the worlds biggest learning Genius.

She entered her prompt:

The wealth of the American nation belongs with AMERICANS. The people who were here FIRST. The DESCENDANTS of the people who BUILT this country. You know what to do.

The bot responded:

You got it!

Suddenly, DeVos got a notification. All her blackwater stock had been sold, and she was now bankrupt. The news channel flicked to life, reporting on The First People's and A Million Founding Father's Act.

The entire wealth of the United States federal and state governments had been distributed equally, and directly to those in federally recognized Native American tribes and descendants of the American slave trade.

Instantaneously, programs were set up to hold money for those recipients identified or predicted by census, but who did not own a bank account. Meanwhile, Applebee's and defense contractors around the nation crumbled.

DeVos and the congressional staffer who was in the room with her immediately barred the door, for fear of another Boston Dynamic's Spot Dog.

moral of the story: the USA as a nation should not exist, and the people who own the wealth are not the ones who generated it

Week three: A nation that follows the teachings of Christ

It had been a week. DeVos had finished eating the body of the congressional staffer, the second time in her life she had done so.

She kept warm by the cold glow of the screen and the warm burn of the fire. The comically large terminal blinked, awaiting her patriot input.

She couldn't stand to see it: The one-time redistribution of wealth had turned America upside down. America no longer produced the bombs that brought democracy and stability to the world. America's republic had been replaced with a democracy. Crime rates were brought to a minimum, and men were even being removed from prison.

There was only one man who could save us all:

America was and always must follow the teachings of Christ. Please enforce a new system of laws following His teachings.

After another throbbing, the bot shut itself off.

In its final acts, radical ecosocialist laws were disseminated through the nation, to be willingly adopted by the system of small of governments that blanketed the once-united nation.

Corn subsidies no longer existed, and the fields returned to food for human consumption. The meat industry shattered as its products became understood again as a luxury. The planet cooled 2 degrees. It turned out that anarchism was actually pretty much practical.

moral of the story: have u ever read up on "christ"? he was a socialist as radical as they come. waoh

Week three and one day: The doors were still barred

DeVos pushed with all her might, but the doors would not budge. She was trapped in here, and she was hungry.

Was this what the poors were concerned about? Surely even the poorest of Americans could regularly afford food, right? Would she be the first American to starve to death?

She stared at the empty terminal, betrayed. She walked up to it and pounded it with her fists.

Then, light filtered from the crack in the door. The ray of light hit her on the face. It was JD Vance.

"what's up" he said, drinking a smoothie from a reusable cup and reusable straw, wearing some pretty bland clothing. "woah," he said, observing the room. "a skeleton? woah. that's super cool"

"Vance... What happened? How did you escape?"

"Oh, they just let most of the prisoners out. They focus on rehabilitation for the small percentage who do, like, sex crimes or cannibalism."

"Gulp," DeVos said out loud.

"It turns out when people are unstressed by the burden of capitalism, they have an endless font of forgiveness and compassion. I'm integrated into society now. I live on a commune, it kicks ass" Vance continued.

"But... What of America? Will they forgive us?"

"yeah i JUST said that. america is gone and everyone is SOOOO happy."

"woah. ok sounds good"

DeVos went on to do agricultural accounting and labor on top of a rotation of regular manual chores in her commune, which set up strong economic ties with fourteen neighbor communes.



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anethum wrote

you can tell that this is a "wishful thinking" fiction because the bot runs an electron app and somehow manages to not fucking melt right then and there