
twovests OP wrote

Reply to comment by rain in You could talk to your neighbors by twovests

I commend you for talking to your neighbors despite this, and I appreciate you sharing this experience.

I'm a hypocrite and I haven't, as my neighbors are MAGAs. The relative innocence of "there is a parallel universe of eternal torture that I truly believe exists and I think you're going to it" is funny even if sorrowful


twovests wrote

Though I’m going to interject that while giving money for mutual aid is awesome, spending your time in mutual aid is even cooler

Agreed 100%. The only exception would be rather contrived, e.g. someone in the enviable position of making a lot of money, and as a direct output of their labor. (I.e. Not salaried). But "hourly and makes bank" is pretty rare, and those people are usually hustle culture capitalists lol.


twovests wrote

So thank you even if I have no idea what you mean lol

Reddit in ~2010 was very much like Hacker News is today, I think?

The bad parts? Almost entirely white men with a libertarian bent, liberal beliefs, and an -- at best -- unexamined worldview on gender and race, with interests in videogames and porn. There was r/ShitRedditSays as a small but vocal counterbalance, in which jstpst shares much cultural overlap.

But Reddit also placed a lot of value in critical thought / rationality (more r/atheism, less "LessWrong"), had a highly-educated userbase, and were generally cool with people who were weird.

Which may help explain why I am generally just disgusted with modern psychiatry.

shakes your hand, as a fellow plural person disgusted with modern psychiatry.

You know what's funny? If you had your LiveJournal pre-2012, your posts might have been the very ones which told me I wasn't alone in this. I remember my headmate as an "imaginary friend" distinctly before the trauma for which she was a "coping mechanism".


twovests wrote

If I am not making art I enter a sort of torment-chrysalis

I would like to re-emphasize how much I love everything you post. You say things that are novel but sound so natural, I wonder how I ever lived without "torment chrysalis" in my vocabulary.

incoherent commercially unviable fiction

The big question is where is this fiction available?


twovests wrote (edited )

I upvoted this post, and I appreciate the sentiment, but I think this post suffers from some Leftist Mistakes. Painting organizing as "throw away your entire way of life and do something" both (1) paints organizing as something destructive and undesirable, but also (2) is vague and not something anyone can do.

(Further, throwing away hobbies is not option. Culture and knowledge is carried through art. This isn't some distanced moral principal-- continuing to make art is an essential part of this. The Republicans know that, that's why they have "God King Trump" childrens books.)

An eight year old migrant girl was put in a cage today. What are you doing to free her?

The thing is, we can't be in every fight. You have to be in some fight, but you can't do anything if you try to be in every fight.

I've not done anything to free her. Do you have any advice? What can I do?

Put your phone down, get off your ass, and start getting involved. This is not a request.

Sure, this is not a request. But it's not actionable, either. "Getting involved" is so vague you might as well not say it.

If you said, "Look up your local tenants union" or "Get a pistol permit" or "Take a first aid class" or "Put money toward mutual aid rather than toward video games", then that might be something.

For me, I'm doing peaceful disruptive protests. I'm also doing data work for my local tenant union specifically in support of homeless people in a nearby city. I'm sysadmining a few places (sry jstpst i'm cheating on you) which enables discussions like these. I'm also doing some things which aren't exactly illegal but I sure won't be talking about here.

This is on top of my day job, which I need to do to get money so I can eat and continue to exist. It's a lot of work. I don't know what I can do for the eight year old girl.

So, if the kids gloves are off, then I'm going to challenge you to be more specific.

An eight year old migrant girl was put in a cage today. What can I do to free her?