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This is definitely the vibe you give, but your writing also punches way above the weight of an ordinary scientist. It makes me think you're someone who deeply values The Arts



Thank you that is genuinely so sweet. Honestly my main ambitions are all creative. If I am not making art I enter a sort of torment-chrysalis

I do move liquids from vessel to vessel as my career, but that is just for the money and because it is fun. My true passion is writing incoherent commercially unviable fiction



If I am not making art I enter a sort of torment-chrysalis

I would like to re-emphasize how much I love everything you post. You say things that are novel but sound so natural, I wonder how I ever lived without "torment chrysalis" in my vocabulary.

incoherent commercially unviable fiction

The big question is where is this fiction available?


wrote (edited )

I wonder how I ever lived without "torment chrysalis" in my vocabulary.

just as mycoplasma survive with not cell walls nor peptidoglycan, deprivation has made you stronger. you are presumably highly resistant to antibiotics.

The big question is where is this fiction available?

I have system agnostic ttrpg stuff published in a small magazine!

Been working on a novel, though I write very slowly! but steadily — went into a dwarf fortress style fey mood over it. no idea where it'll end up, but it's a bit too grotesque for the current spec-fic zeitgeist, I figure. might try finding an agent when its finished, but i dont want money, just to subject more people to my gross art :D



(I'm sure you know this, but it looks like your IRL name is attached to that-- in case you're worried about doxxing yourself here.)

I haven't gotten deep into TTRPGs , I always thought these required some existing system (like DnD or Pathfinder). I haven't read through it all yet, but is this meant to be standalone, or does this attach to something else?

In either case, thank u for sharing :D