
twovests wrote

It's so frustrating to see The Most Important Guy In Linux behave with the same degree of maturity I would expect from tilted teenage gamers.

Every month I see Linus Torvalds constantly shedding credibility for no reason whatsoever. Calling someone a "paid actor" is pretty demeriting, dude!


twovests wrote

I actually agree 100%. This episode is a lot better than the meme status it has. You're in good company here, as others have expressed a similar sentiment:

Around the time of season 3 coming out, Dan Harmon had pissed off a lot of the manosphere parts of his fanbase. First, they hired more female writers to explicitly address the gender disparity in the writers room. This made a lot of chuds angry, and Dan Harmon ended up having to publicly denounce fans who were harassing their new female writers.

During Season 3's airing, Harmon later went on a drunken rant on his podcast, saying that fascism is a cancer and you have to kill it. This angered a good chunk of their fans too.

Now, the thing about Pickle Rick? It wasn't just controversial for the "don't idolize Rick, therapy is good" message. A full year before Season 3 came out, we saw part of Pickle Rick as an early preview. It was the part where Rick, inexplicably a pickle, lures a rat to a trap to complete the last part of his rat-mecha contraption, before launching into a lengthy action-scene and power-fantasy.

It was released intentionally to stick in the mind. Pickle Rick was one of the most anticipated episodes of that season. And it really stuck the landing! A therapy named u/Akimble1 on the red site breaks down the final scene of that episode in a way that I appreciate:

Welcome to the club of Pickle Rick Is Good true believers


twovests wrote

Hi, are you in the Postmill directory?

git clone
cd Postmill
docker build -t --target postmill_php .
docker build -t --target postmill_web .

IIRC, these docker build commands look inside the current directory for a matching Dockerfile. It's strange, but the url is an identifier.


twovests OP wrote

Reply to by twovests

is this just because i'm in my late 20s or does it feel like wwIII is a bit closer than usual