
twovests OP wrote

Dodoma is the capitol of Tanzania. In a quick perusal of the Dodoma wikipedia and Tanzania subreddit, I was surprised by how much of the history of the city infrastructure is from 2000 on.

At first I attributed it to some technological bias (perhaps it became easier to record and report on the East African nation with the advent of the internet and camcorder)? But Dodoma itself is a relatively young city.

It was founded in 1907 by German colonists constructing a railway (to which I'll attribute the "wild west" aesthetic in the photos I've seen of it).

This was following over two years of rebellion by several African tribes against German colonial rule. A few dozen Germans died, and ~75000 to ~300000 African people from various tribes died, mostly due to famine. Wikipedia lists this war under the "Scramble for Africa". I kind of wish I learned about any of this in highschool.

I can't find any history of the location of Dodoma prior to 1907, which may be because it was never a well-populated location in human history, or because conquest sweeped all that other history under the rug. My fledgling African history knowledge is being built up by the minute.

Anyways, Dodoma remained pretty small until independence from British rule, and then a move towards Pan-Africanism and socialism in 1967. At this point, Coastal Dar es Salaam was the capitol of Tanzania, but for socialism reasons I didn't read up on, that was undesirable. Dodoma was chosen as a best next capitol.

A lot was planned for Dodoma that took decades to come to fruition, with a large part due to investment from the Chinese government in the 00s onward, predating China's "Belt and Road Initiative".

Anyways, if you go on r/Tanzania, you'll see some of the most beautiful photos you've ever seen.


twovests OP wrote

I remember arguing with people in 2012 about the sudden surgence of Transgenderism

I remember arguing with people in 2016 about the sudden surgence of Transgenderism

I remember arguing with people in 2020 about the sudden surgence of Transgenderism

I am arguing with people in 2024 about the sudden surgence of Transgenderism


twovests wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted495 in by !deleted495

This is the default. The software which runs this site added a feature to allow you to "whitelist" certain accounts, which removes IPs I think


twovests wrote

Reply to final vent by ___

I can relate a lot to many of the sentiments you expressed in this post. If I'm understanding correctly, you've invested a lot of time and energy and emotion into a relationship with someone who did not reciprocate your feelings, and that relationship ended without closure. I'm also understanding that a lot of your estimation of your own self worth hinged on the things this person would say and do.

I see you, and I promise that you're not worthless, not unsalvagable, not repulsive. You are a person and you have inherent value. I appreciate seeing your posts! even if I don't know you any beyond that!


twovests wrote

Reply to by !deleted495

the very best place to post 8)

(we are a site with a reddit-like link aggregator and a silly friendly community which loves to make good posts)


twovests OP wrote

Ding ding ding!

Also worth noting that 621 comes up in a lot of other contexts. It's

  • a date
  • often on or around solstice, (June 21st)
  • A ratio (6-to-1)
  • A port (eg you might use 3621 as your furry minecraft server's port number as a joke)

Worth noting that e621 has a very lax mod policy. It's your typical "booru" imageboard. Lots of shocking and upsetting stuff might appear, so, be warned.


twovests OP wrote

Yeah, I generally agree wrt 2016. No more flash ads but you could still play flash games, Homestuck was still going on, TheFempire was still around I think, etc.

In terms of education, that was the best year to start college in the US too. Get out of highschool just before DeVos, graduate just before covid, and maybe enter the workforce with WFH.