toasthaste wrote
Reply to prrrrrrlp! by rain
my cat nona every time i so much as look her way :3
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in i've made a decision about myself by hollyhoppet
i am hooting and hollering for this for you hoppet
toasthaste wrote
Reply to A cookie for allies by twovests
I do think the borderline scorn toward allies, in addition to just like kinda sucking, was a horrible tactical move that set things back pretty badly (and like tbc I was totally on that bandwagon back in the day, I am not immune to social trends).
I think there's been a lot of nuance lost in the sense of like.... "It is not anyone's personal responsibility to praise an ally for being an ally" is true, but that is NOT the same thing as "allies should perpetually be on thin ice and shouldn't get praise for anything short of heroism and if they want to feel good about doing small good things that's proof that deep down they suck actually"
To the extent that anyone "deserves" anything, people deserve praise for doing positive things whether that's doing the dishes or deciding to stick up for marginalized people whose circumstances they might not viscerally understand. We are all just silly little monkeys made of meat and positive feedback has really consistent effects on our little monkey brains! That tiny little tickle of reward for doing the bare minimum makes people want to do the bare minimum more, and makes it easier/more appealing to take bigger steps past that bare minimum!
toasthaste wrote
toasthaste wrote
Reply to What is the difference between tangerines mandarins and clementines and all those other things by SWORDSCROSSED
I would also like to know this. I eat them a lot but I don't know the information. The best ones I've had are from this crunchy organic co-op and they call them satsuma mandarins there, they're sold individually instead of in the big bags. they're really noticeably better than any others I've ever had
toasthaste wrote (edited )
Reply to Get your TDaP booster and Polio booster and Chickenpox booster and MMR booster and HepA booster and HepB booster and HPV booster and covid booster and by twovests
I'm not allowed to get the shingles vaccine because they limit it to older folks but man I'd really love to not get shingles (I was of the last generation to get "chicken pox parties" as kids)
I did finally get my TDaP booster last year. I should really catch up on the others.
toasthaste OP wrote (edited )
Reply to still looking to adopt a cat, saw a most Perfect Boy get mentioned on the foster parents facebook page and went into see if he was there when I was dropping my foster cat back off, but a staff member had already adopted him.... im so sad...... he had the most perfect little face..... by toasthaste
i miss my kitty :( I miss my little baby girl
toasthaste wrote
Reply to And this is my second cat, Midna by cowloom
oh gorgeous! I love when they have that triangle-pointy siamese cat style face... it's good
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in hi jstpst by toasthaste
i been reading books again lately! i saw someone recommend a trick of, you keep a book you want to read in your bathroom, and then don't take your phone into the bathroom with you. it worked shockingly well basically immediately.
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in hi jstpst by toasthaste
things were really really bad for a really long while but they seem to slowly be getting better, fingers crossed that that trend continues
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in hi jstpst by toasthaste
which ones you been into lately?
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by emma in hi jstpst by toasthaste
my roommate has been watching stream VODs of the first bunch of ace attorney games and she's been loving it. is 6 the one with the orca?
toasthaste wrote
Reply to the three original movies that were mashed together to make Digimon: The Movie are getting English dub bluray releases by voxpoplar
ohhhh i didn't realize they were redubbing them! I was very very fond of the digimon movie english dub back in the day but I've always kind of wanted to see the actual story (but with the voice actors I know)
if only they would release a version with the corrected dub but keeping the ska-ass soundtrack.....
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in I might adopt a cat soon. I need to come up with a name for in case I do go through with this. by toasthaste
ohhhh I really like Tattle.... Tattletale for long.... that's going on the list
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in Nintendo should make a new Gameboy by twovests
ive been playing pokemon alpha sapphire on my 3ds and it's so nice, it's just a little thing, the switch is too bulky for me to comfortably play it handheld for any real length of time
toasthaste wrote
Reply to Nintendo should make a new Gameboy by twovests
toasthaste wrote
Reply to HRT wasn't right for me, at least right now. (CW, f-slur, drugs, terfs, blindphobia) by twovests
I laughed at the TLDR :P Doing the good work
I'm glad you tried a thing and are learning more about yourself. I feel the thing of, like-- my relationship to gender doesn't align super well with most of the currently accepted mainstream-within-this-bubble gender theory stuff. I sometimes like to describe myself as "queering the cis-trans binary."
The framing that radfems should be high fiving over Biological Males taking feminizing hormones, victory over maleness.... god I'd never thought of that. That's extremely funny.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to Jstpst Is Not Shutting Down by twovests
I wished good things for cohost, it was doing a lot of neat stuff. I made an account and poked around but I've been down this road before so I was waiting to see if it stood the test of time (and also I'm still on tumblr lol). I always want these kinds of projects to succeed even when they're not quite for me, more places for people to choose between is better than fewer. It's sad. I really hope someone figures out how to sustain a non-tiny modern social media site that isn't owned by a huge megacorp someday. Or that the culture shifts enough that "pay $/month to be allowed to upload images" becomes a normal thing people don't balk at (can't imagine this happening but who knows)
When tumblr finally dies someday I'll be so fucking sad. In that event I really want there to be somewhere to go to that isn't another twitter clone. F
toasthaste wrote
I saw this for my area today but the banner is gone now.... it might be pretty funny to go to a wikipedia event tbh....
toasthaste wrote
Reply to is there a female version of himbo/thembo? "herbo" just sounds like "herbivore" by twovests
tbh i would just call her a himbo too but i understand that for many situations this may not be an acceptable approach
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in two years and no great AI art by twovests
I was anxious about the reception my post might get so I didn't check jstpst for like the past month (not-uncommon thing I do lol). Was nice to come back and, for it to be kind and thoughtful and willing to listen in good faith. Thanks <3
toasthaste wrote
Reply to two years and no great AI art by twovests
I wouldn't expect a search for "great AI art" to give you very useful results, for the same reasons I wouldn't expect a search on the Target website to give you very useful results for "great art."
I think a decent number of artists are figuring out ways to incorporate ai into their workflow, much like they did with previous digital tools. "AI-assisted Art", rather than "AI art". Rapid concept iteration, or just filling in textures instead of doing it agonizingly slowly by hand, or whatever; it makes sense to me that this would be one of the more common real-world uses for it and I just am not convinced there's some spiritual wrong being done there.
Very few self respecting artists would use AI tools
And that's the thing, like, if this is the attitude they are likely to be met with, it makes sense that they would not advertise when they're using it! There's collective of artists who I'm socially adjacent to online that's very earnest about ethically exploring the potential in this new medium, and all their spaces are extremely private and locked down, out of necessity, due to constant really vicious harassment. Are they making Great AI Art in there? How would either of us know?
It's just. Digital artists have been using algorithmic and generative tools to speed up the repetitive drudgework parts of art for decades now. There was a time when people spoke with scorn about artists using any of the labor-saving tools you can use in Photoshop and called anything people made with the help of those tools "not real art". So often, this feels like the sequel to that.
idk. AI art and its cousins make me extremely uneasy, and occasionally fill me with horrible existential dread if I think about it too much (even if my wrists ever got better, would I ever draw again? What would be the point? Why even try to improve? etc); but the way people talk about it still bums me out. I dunno, it's an extremely brand new medium just starting to be explored, with so much hostility directed toward it (which as ever is mostly going to actually land on the people who are earnestly putting their hearts and souls into it and not the people making airbrushed anime porn image #5776889). Some of the things I do see are really promising and exciting (in between the feeling that I am being swallowed up by quicksand). It feels like if you looked at Tennis for Two and decided that its undercookedness meant that these "video game" things are going nowhere.
(Also like. I dunno. Some of the only pictures I've been able to bring into existence in the past 2 years have been ai generated. It was a lot of fun learning a little bit about how to maneuver the tools to try to coax them into producing something anywhere near the picture I had in my head; the process gave me a nutrient that my soul has been corroding from lacking, with unsolvable chronic pain preventing me from being able to draw any more. The big reason I don't play with generation more is because it's actually pretty difficult to learn to use these tools effectively, they are very complex. All that to say I guess I have more personal investment in this as it looks more and more like I'll never be able to make art with my hands again.)
toasthaste wrote
Reply to im trying binders to help my dysphoria by skookin
I recently saw someone swearing by men's gynecomastia compression shirts as opposed to binders, this was what they linked to me though I haven't gotten one to try out myself yet
i think sizing might be weird though, iirc they said for this kind of binding you probably want to go a size larger than the sizing chart would indicate? but I'm really not sure, I bet it varies a ton
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by ___ in i cannot sleep on my back for a whole night by ___
I've had similar issues with earplugs, including waking up in the middle of the night because they were so painful-- I've definitely found some that were a lot less painful than others (maybe smaller? fancier? unsure) and if you make sure to put them in correctly (lift your ear upwards? i think the plugs usually have instructions) I think it can help. there's also silicone earplugs, which aren't nearly as good at blocking out sound but are different enough that they might not have the pain problem
toasthaste wrote
Reply to you could have gingivitis by oolong
I learned yesterday that my cat has gingivitis. Gotta start brushing her teeth!