
flabberghaster OP wrote

The two meters thing is based on spit droplets but we know it's airborne now so it doesn't make much difference, the only thing you can do is source control, aka, a mask.

I don't blame you in particular because everyone in society is completely selfish and unwilling to take small steps to protect others, so it feels futile to keep doing it yourself. But I still think even given that, it's still selfish to not wear one.

Immune compromised people deserve to be able to go to the grocery store and the fact that people don't mask there makes that dangerous.

Why is it always the sick and vulnerable who have to shoulder the burden of everyone's minor comfort? It continues after almost four years to make me so angry how as a society we have just decided to let everyone die and become long term disabled. It's such a microcosm of this death cult of a culture we have where not even the smallest act of caring about others is permitted.

We have people conduct mass shootings at schools routinely but the response it OK well do mass shooter drills. We have an environmental Apocalypse, and the response is OK buy an electric car. We have a respiratory pandemic and the response is ok, get a vaccine if you want, I don't care.

No one cares! I feel like I'm going insane! We live in hell!


flabberghaster wrote

Yeah, I agree with all of that. Clearly a "ceasefire" doesn't come close to enough. But that is the immediate demand, an end to the killing, right now, and it's still too much to ask for.

In a just world, we'd cut off all military aid to Israel and impose sanctions but that's just never going to happen.

But my personal pride doesn't matter, and the only benefit I could see to not-voting (or voting for Jill Stein) is to punish and pressure the Democratic party toward the left. But I don't see an argument for that being more effective than actually voting in Democrats and continuing to pressure them while they're in office.

I don't agree with this. I don't think "elect and then pressure" works if they know you're going to still vote for them. Marching in the streets doesn't do anything. Calling them doesn't do anything.

I don't begrudge people who do plan to still vote for them, but you're putting yourself in a very weak position to influence them if they know they're going to get what they want from you pretty much either way: your vote.

As well, I will not vote for them on principle, because they are actively assisting in a genocide. I don't care if the other guy's worse. If the lesser evil is doing a genocide then I'm out. That's it. Nothing will change my mind on this.


flabberghaster wrote

I really enjoyed The Last Man On Earth, a couple years back. And also, Sweet Tooth season one is good, or I liked it. Season two came out this summer and I'm gonna watch that.

If you like Apple TV stuff I enjoyed Severance but I think they're making a second season. I can't imagine season 2 will be good. But we'll see.

Definitely watch For All Mankind.


flabberghaster wrote

Been rewatching Buffy and Angel.

Just finished watching Brooklyn 99. I'm kinda glad they ended it when they did.

I watched The Platform and really, really did not like it.

I keep seeing recommendations for Our Flag Means Death and What We Do In The Shadows so I might check those out. I liked matt berry in The It Crowd.