
devtesla wrote

That last one is probably the source, it got reposted to something awful around that time and that's where I grabbed it.

It was in a thread where people would discuss various something awful things, specifically the fact there was a lot of posters in those threads who didn't do anything but talk about something awful. I've used it as a mascot for every meta forum I've made since. I cut my posting teeth in shitredditsays, a community of people who only posted on reddit to talk about reddit, and I never wanted that to happen again.


devtesla wrote

343i is such a depressing studio, in that there's people there who know halo and what makes halo good so well, but the mismanagement is so bad that their games come out broken and aren't positioned to be the big deals they deserve to be.


devtesla wrote

I've looked at so many verified stories from the war, of Israel doing things like massacring people waiting for food, directly bombing aid workers, creating a system called "daddy's home" to take out men returning home to their families, and on and on. So I'm not really interested in if they're using crying baby noises or not. It doesn't change the moral calculus at all.