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devtesla wrote

I've looked at so many verified stories from the war, of Israel doing things like massacring people waiting for food, directly bombing aid workers, creating a system called "daddy's home" to take out men returning home to their families, and on and on. So I'm not really interested in if they're using crying baby noises or not. It doesn't change the moral calculus at all.


twovests OP wrote

Have heard of many such things but "Daddy's Home" is a new one. Jesus.

And here, I'm basically agreed. Short of an epistemological nightmare where I find out Plato's cave is real and I'm in it, the numbers are fantastically simple that Israel is evil and its actions are not justified.

That said, I am still interested in Believing Things Are Correct and being skeptical. It's like a hobby perhaps


flabberghaster wrote

I agree but I also think it's important to not fell for the fake stuff people make up. If nothing else because we should know what's true, and if you share something fake like that it makes it easier to smear us.

We don't need to be Alex Jonesing it, there's plenty of real evil in this world.