
cowloom wrote

I know! I miss being able to press a button and instantly hear jazz. Now I have to press a button while I have a Wi-Fi connection to get instant jazz, and that's just a smooth jazz internet radio station. I miss my jazz fusion.


cowloom wrote

Man I'm envious, our local jazz station turned into a variety station a few years ago, and it's not as good. Our local classical station is almost always playing NPR when I tune in. Everything else is crappy commercial butt rock, crappy commercial pop, or christofash talk radio. I have to use internet radio if I want to hear good music, and even then, most of those stations play ads.


cowloom wrote

The childfree subreddit on the other site used to have a list of doctors on their wiki page that wouldn't give you the runaround about getting your tubes tied. I'm not sure if it's still there, but if so, it may be worth seeing if your city / a nearby city is on the list, and reaching out to one of those doctors! Don't let one "no" hold you back.


cowloom wrote

Every once in a while, I'll imagine thousands of people from the future sending reassurance and encouragement back through time to people in the present. Things like, "It sucks to be ahead of your time, but please don't give up; our future won't be possible if you don't keep fighting the good fight. We love you and appreciate everything you do!" It's not much, but it helps a bit.


cowloom OP wrote

Yeah, I get that. It's unfortunate to me that dishonest tactics can sometimes work better than honest ones in the court of public opinion. But, I suppose that's just another variable to be considered.

That said, I can't remember the last time I was criticized and unready to hear it. I think I've always been able to see that people can say useful or correct things, even if they're dicks about it or are incorrect about a lot of other things.

That's a rare gift. I wish more people thought this way.