
Dogmantra wrote

the dog honey propaganda board would like to remind you that only dog honey from the happiest dogs tastes sweet and delicious, dog honey from unhappy dogs tastes bitter and is almost inedible, because all of your dog honey is as sweet as can be, that's how you know the dogs lived their lives freely roaming, frolicking, and smelling the urine of as many other dogs as they wanted!


Dogmantra wrote (edited )

ozy and millie, it has been finished since 2008 so perhaps not the best if you are looking for something to keep reading, but it is vast and wonderful and cute and a bit of the ending makes me cry every time


Dogmantra wrote

Reply to comment by neku in new! season! of. taskmaster uk! by neku

oooh nice, I watched the first 3 series on channel 4's online service because they just added a few international taskmasters but didn't have s4 yet, hopefully they add it soon

totally agree on Jeremy, but I do appreciate that he's not just trying to replicate the original, it gives it a fun different flavour


Dogmantra wrote (edited )

hell yeah, recently watched the first three series of taskmaster NZ so it'll be weird to see alex horne in the assistant spot rather than paul williams


Dogmantra wrote

Additionally, once it got to an actual pitched battle, one of the roles of the formation of a block of men was to make it hard for people to run away. You were packed so tightly with everyone else that it was difficult to do anything but move with the flow, and retreating as an individual was pretty tricky. Once you make contact with the enemy, the choice essentially comes down to fight or die, which for most people is a pretty easy choice.


Dogmantra wrote

It's also traditionally been a path for social mobility. The Romans promised land and citizenship to soldiers who served long enough. The whole deal of Knights under feudalism was that they traded military service for social standing and land. Just like how today the US military will pay for your college if you sign up. I imagine a lot of folks went in with the idea that they'd just try to survive their service and if so, they'd reap the rewards.