Recent comments in /f/just_post

twovests wrote

i'm picturing more of an "facebook and discord are down forever? okay, i don'y need a router"

russia and china and iran all have different examples and degrees of separation from the rest of the internet. the UK is trying to backdoor encryption in a way which will force companies to choose to compromise or leave.

in the US, we have differing censorship laws fracturing the internet across different states, and the legal framework and precedent for banning apps.

we also have undersea cables being cut, which is very new i think (november and december 2024.

i'm imagining what might happen if we have a few "we bombed us-east-1" or "texas is doing ercot but for internet" incidents in the span of a year. but it's not something worth time worrying about yet i think


hollyhoppet OP wrote (edited )

like… think about it. the web is obscenely valuable, and the icann is headquartered in one of the more socially progressive states in the us (california). if america dissolves california will be in an extremely good diplomatic position because its exports will basically be internet regulation and a large portion of the us entertainment industry


hollyhoppet OP wrote

but like like... when large government structures fail, local structures rise to take their place. you end up with petty tyrants but you also end up with small equitable social structures too.

so uh... move to a blue state if you can and you're not already. and if you can't i wouldn't be surprised if we see a rise of aid groups to get vulnerable people out of the worse locations, and incentives for skilled workers as well.


hollyhoppet OP wrote (edited )

i'm a little tired today so this is going to be kind of rambly, but i can't imagine the united states lasting more than another 200 years lol. as far as i'm concerned we're living through a collapse. the question is whether it's going to be partial or complete. my guess is in the gap states, or alliances of states, will take over what the federal government fails us in.

like when you think about it, voter turnout for the presidency was less than half. only a quarter of americans actually voted for trump. the administration is growing less popular by the decade. it's pretty clear to a lot of people that it's completely ineffective. the loudest voices are always going to be flag fuckers but then we end up with folk heroes like luigi mangione so it's not like confidence in the system is very high in general.

we'll probably see at least one quasi-militarized social aid group crop up, similar to the black panthers. i don't know if the current government will have the finesse to squash them like it could during raegen's day, but that probably won't be pretty whatever happens. probably will result in police becoming more militarized at least in red states. at the end of the day though that'll just result in further public discontent.

whatever the case, it's a process that'll take decades or centuries. rome wasn't unbuilt in a day, after all.


Jenheadjen OP wrote

Haven't forgotten about this btw, just haven't had much time/executive function to work on the post in a while. Currently up to Section 0.5 of it. Will probably post it in f/yourpersonalblog when it's done because it's turning into less of a concise game review and more of a rambling stream of consciousness.