Recent comments in /f/just_post
cowloom wrote
Reply to light is kind of crazy by neku
and we still aren't sure why it displays properties of both a wave and a particle
twovests OP wrote
Reply to autocorrect typos that can happen by twovests
the biden abdication
skookin OP wrote
Reply to i seent a bumper bug by skookin
the crane fly, that most delicious and abundant morsel of food for birds and spiders and everyone who enjoys a juicy bug after a chilly winter
Moonside wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in "exceptionally shallow media diet" is a phrase I heard in a meme and it hurts because it is true by cute_spider
Oh it was just a joke version of Rick and Morty.
cute_spider OP wrote
Reply to comment by Moonside in "exceptionally shallow media diet" is a phrase I heard in a meme and it hurts because it is true by cute_spider
Solar Opposites has "The Wall" for dramatic relief and "Silver Cops" for action relief, they really push it hard and because of that it works.
I do not know what Rizz and Martin is.
twovests wrote
Reply to Thanks for encouraging me to just post by underscores
Thank you for posting. Every post is like a small kiss upon the internet
Moonside wrote
Reply to "exceptionally shallow media diet" is a phrase I heard in a meme and it hurts because it is true by cute_spider
I haven't seen it but what's up with the tendency to make quasi franchises out of animated sitcoms? Like making that show look similar to Rizz and Martin or Futurama to The Simpsons.
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
what s t. .............................. ........................................................................................................................
............ . .............................................. ................ th..............................................
.................................................................................................................................................................................. . .what................................................
. .. baby ?
nomorepie OP wrote
Reply to comment by rain in Exciting developments by nomorepie
Bring back BlackBerries
nomorepie wrote
Waiting for Godot was a documentary?
rain wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Exciting developments by nomorepie
I’ve hit that point in life where I want a smaller phone so I can use it easily in one hand, but need a larger phone so I can see the screen.
There is no winning answer lol
nomorepie OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by neku in Exciting developments by nomorepie
I switched it around to top when I installed it and used that way for years, seemed weird to me to have it on the bottom lol. Just recently I was lying in bed dead tired on my phone and I was like wait why is this so unwieldy
neku wrote
Reply to Exciting developments by nomorepie
i think firefox does this by default so i've never known another way except when fixing something on my mum's phone. taskbar on the top seems like a bad way to live
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Exciting developments by nomorepie
You need a smaller phone, or a larger thumb.
flabberghaster wrote
This is Destiny
cute_spider wrote
Yeah he was always a nazi
Jenheadjen OP wrote
I can picture his smug cartoon arms-folded avatar so clearly in my mind
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Exciting developments by nomorepie
going back to the iPhone 3GS
emma wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by devtesla in Exciting developments by nomorepie
they should make a phone where everything is in reach of your thumb
nomorepie OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Exciting developments by nomorepie
It works well so far, idk why I haven't made the change before this
devtesla wrote
Reply to Exciting developments by nomorepie
bottom taskbars for mobile apps rule, it's nice having things within thumb reach
twovests wrote
Reply to Exciting developments by nomorepie
following anxiously...
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
This makes me happy to hear :D Please consider me / us / a resource for any questions you have. I'd be happy to hear any updates too c:
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
install took a little while but was very painless. mint now installed and yeah this little machine can actually cope with web browsing and playing a youtube or iplayer video now which is really all I wanted it to do so thank you!
I shall probably be joining the linux cult at some point because I've had nothing but unpleasant experiences trying to get windows 10 to do what I want it to, and mint's very first thing being a popup saying "hey come and mess about with the settings til you have them how you like them" was sort of the nail in the coffin. I doubt I'll be migrating until I have to but when windows 10 stops working I am sure as heck not going to move to another windows unless microsoft bucks their ideas up bigtime!
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to I found the juicero of beds by devtesla
the subscription part is killing me lmao