Recent comments in /f/just_post

I_got_killed_one_time wrote

what s t. .............................. ........................................................................................................................

............ . .............................................. ................ th..............................................


.................................................................................................................................................................................. . .what................................................

. .. baby ?


rain wrote

Reply to comment by emma in Exciting developments by nomorepie

I’ve hit that point in life where I want a smaller phone so I can use it easily in one hand, but need a larger phone so I can see the screen.

There is no winning answer lol


nomorepie OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by neku in Exciting developments by nomorepie

I switched it around to top when I installed it and used that way for years, seemed weird to me to have it on the bottom lol. Just recently I was lying in bed dead tired on my phone and I was like wait why is this so unwieldy


neku wrote

i think firefox does this by default so i've never known another way except when fixing something on my mum's phone. taskbar on the top seems like a bad way to live


Dogmantra OP wrote

install took a little while but was very painless. mint now installed and yeah this little machine can actually cope with web browsing and playing a youtube or iplayer video now which is really all I wanted it to do so thank you!

I shall probably be joining the linux cult at some point because I've had nothing but unpleasant experiences trying to get windows 10 to do what I want it to, and mint's very first thing being a popup saying "hey come and mess about with the settings til you have them how you like them" was sort of the nail in the coffin. I doubt I'll be migrating until I have to but when windows 10 stops working I am sure as heck not going to move to another windows unless microsoft bucks their ideas up bigtime!