Recent comments in /f/just_post

twovests OP wrote

I have, I loved it, until the ending started to build up. I dislike supernatural horror, it takes anything to "Scooby Doo" levels of seriousness to me. Throw in something Satanic-Panic adjacent and I just lose all interest.

Congratulations on quitting smoking!! That's impressive and good for you, and by extension, for the cause of Posting.


rain wrote

I want this. I want to get a group of people, say half a dozen or so, to all do this. Same time, but arrive separately and have different shopping lists etc., but lots of nursery rhyme type stuff. Preferably during an off time in a small store with only a few other shoppers.

Refuse to admit knowing each other or to acknowledging anything out of the ordinary. Once you’ve checked out, scamper/skip/interpretive dance your way out of the store and down the street.

I want to be the weird story someone tells their grandkids about 40 years from now. Let’s bring some whimsy to the world.


nomorepie wrote

Have you seen the a24 chamber drama/horror called Heretic? Randomly saw it in the movies and didn't exactly love it but it made me think about it a lot after, which I count as a success for the price of the ticket (same price as a carton of cigs were when I quit, I like to think I'm spending my money in better ways nowadays)


twovests OP wrote

BONUS: "Green Room". A24 always produces films that, at minimum, don't feel like a waste of time to watch. "Green Room" is about a metal band who is in the wrong place (a neo nazi bar) at the wrong time (witnesses what might be a murder). I think horror is at its best when it feels like a real thing which could happen. Highly recommended




A dream journal

Shrines to your favorite things

A list of links to your favorite places online

Reviews of stuff! Any kind of stuff! Books to nail polish to your local abandoned warehouse

Any art you have made

A point and click adventure in website form

Tutorials for something you are good at

journal style blogposts

eyemelting conglomerations of gifs

making pages appearances themed around your favorite colors

using your favorite textures from 2002 RPGs as tiling background images

I like to browse random neocities websites you can find some really fun stuff. is one my partner showed me recently which I quite liked.

the world is your oyster in which to Just Post



it's masculinizing to the bacteria because this is funny to me. it eated the t hehehehe

from an anthropocentric perspective mostly it just accidentally gives you appendicitis before it can get to forced nonbinification/osteoporosis. weird how it does that. well actually it has a low probability of giving you a bunch of random diseases. great news for nonbinary plague therians


hollyhoppet wrote

i wanna make up a spell too

Detect Dirt

Level 1. Divination. Instant. Free action.

You instantly know the location of all dirt within five feet, plus another five feet per level the spell is cast. If soil, you also know where on the silt-loam-clay scale any dirt lies.