Recent comments in /f/just_post
twovests wrote
Reply to What is the difference between tangerines mandarins and clementines and all those other things by SWORDSCROSSED
All I know is, the smaller they are, the easier to peel and the more scrumptuous.
oneviolence wrote
Reply to Look at the hedgehog roll! Say your regards! by Moonside
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to Look at the hedgehog roll! Say your regards! by Moonside
nomorepie wrote
Reply to Look at the hedgehog roll! Say your regards! by Moonside
nomorepie wrote
Pen Island vibes
missingno wrote
© 2024 Technical Advisors, Inc.
The copyright notice is current. Which means they're actively maintaining this.
hollyhoppet OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by cute_spider in next week i have four days of work and then i'm GONE by hollyhoppet
no because i posted it on a saturday when i didn't have work. tomorrow is my last day
cute_spider wrote
This post is four days old ARE YOU ALREADY GONE??
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
Reply to Look at the hedgehog roll! Say your regards! by Moonside
Me on my way to Chat
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in What you're referring to as is actually part of a complete operating system called crouton plus by flabberghaster
what's that some kind of emacs plugin? I use vim sorry
twovests wrote
Reply to What you're referring to as is actually part of a complete operating system called crouton plus by flabberghaster
This is Postmill erasure
skookin OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in (arachnophobia cw) my house spider friend has woven an egg case by skookin
np :>
twovests wrote
I vaguely knew that the smell of rainfall was actually the smell of microbes, and now I know what aeroplankton are. Thank you again for another wonderful Microbe Monday post
hollyhoppet wrote
thank you <3
skookin OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in by skookin
o shit sorry
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in by skookin
maybe if you link an image url in a comment instead?
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to by skookin
hey uh that cw doesn't really work because of the thumbnail and i do have arachnophobia lol
Thank you for the wonderful poast
voxpoplar wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Microbe Monday: Macroscopic Sulfur Pearls by WRETCHEDSORCERESS
Surface area is one of those recurring themes I had in every single biology class I took! I genuinely can't think of a single exception, from my first college level intro bio class to my more specialized biochemistry and molecular bio courses, again and again it boils down to surface area!
Reply to comment by twovests in Microbe Monday: To Rust the Earth Itself by WRETCHEDSORCERESS
I am feeling much better now, thank you :) Just last night my partner and I went to a lantern festival and the night before I went to a weird art market where they gave discounts if you wore a weird costume. I dressed up like some kind of 1800s zombie nurse.
I hope you too are doing well! The world is so full of delights.
nomorepie wrote
Reply to What is the difference between tangerines mandarins and clementines and all those other things by SWORDSCROSSED
Get this one, the small ones are called cuties. Can you believe this shit??