Recent comments in /f/just_post
nomorepie wrote
Reply to Ok Gordy, I ll invite you to the party. But if you say one word about your fucking knot, so help me god. by I_got_killed_one_time
I wish I could star this post
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to Ok Gordy, I ll invite you to the party. But if you say one word about your fucking knot, so help me god. by I_got_killed_one_time
I wish I could ztar this post
nomorepie wrote
Reply to the council will hear your petition now by hollyhoppet
Honourable BunBuns, how do I upload an image like this?
neku wrote
Reply to comment by I_got_killed_one_time in This is a good time to remember you should use 2FA and a password manager by twovests
bitwarden, which i use every day, integrates with firefox and can generate passwords for you pretty easily, but probably not as directly as firefox will. but it can integrate with apps so you dont have to open firefox to retrieve your passwords. bitwarden has stronger encryption but firefox is probably fine for general use.
historically there has been some security issues but it seems like the consensus today is that FF password manager is fine as long as you have a good master password and two-factor authentication on your account.
you can read a little more here
neku OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Hate people who disrespect tap water by neku
yeah i didn't really account for decaying american infrastructure when i made this post lol. if the tap water isn't fine where you live then the post doesn't apply. but if it does... watch out
Reply to Hate people who disrespect tap water by neku
My current city has been voted best tasting tap water in the state three times in a row!!! I love it!!!
I used to live in PA's coal region and basically all water sources nearby were turbo polluted and the stuff was full of contaminants. It has made me really thankful and appreciative for water treatment and wastewater processing. Ours had lots of issues but we really were living in a wasteland of badly polluted water sources and of course rainwater is super unsafe to drink too. It was effctively desert if we didnt have that processing - made me feel bad for the other creatures living there having to drink it :(
But! Wastewater trearment is also accomplished by bacteria in many places and that makes me really happy! They can process so many dangerous chemicals, the little dears!
cowloom wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in i think the 2020s will maybe be remembered as a very bad decade by twovests
nevermind we're fucked
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in This is a good time to remember you should use 2FA and a password manager by twovests
i use fire fox on my phone, which also lets me use ublock on my phone
cowloom wrote (edited )
Reply to Hate people who disrespect tap water by neku
I'm lucky to live in a city with a large natural aquifer, so our tap water is very clean. But there are still people here who will balk at drinking tap water, and only buy bottles of water. Meanwhile, I will only open a plastic bottle of water if I'm dangerously dehydrated, and there are no other sources of water available. I'll drink from a public bathroom sink before I create needless plastic waste.
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Hate people who disrespect tap water by neku
i want to stress i still appreciate having tap water. but my tap water is actually not very good
sand is better than lead but why is there so much sand
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by I_got_killed_one_time in This is a good time to remember you should use 2FA and a password manager by twovests
I don't know the security model of it, but that's not possible with 1Password, which uses Secure Remote Password. And I don't believe you can use Firefox's password manager everywhere, which is a problem. (1Password is available on every major desktop and mobile OS and browser, except KaiOS)
Alessia wrote
Reply to Hate people who disrespect tap water by neku
Love council juice, love being able to pour myself a tall glass of cool, clear water at any time of day that tastes of fuck all.
twovests wrote (edited )
Reply to Hate people who disrespect tap water by neku
My tap water is so chalky that it leaves my hair really greasy. I have to tell my guests not to worry about the silty white layer on top of the rinsed grapes, and I have to tell them not to worry about the brown-red residue in my shower and toilet. (Cleaning them weekly is not enough.) I have to filter and boil most of the water I drink to get rid of the taste and smell of sulfide, and the EWG tap water database tells me that many of the contaminants in my municipalitys water are close to the legal limit.
Not sure if that's the water I drink, since I have well water. I'm regularly cleaning and replacing our aerators, because they get filled with sand.
I get Primo 5 gallon water jugs refilled with water from a municipality that has better water. It tastes better, it doesn't leave silt on grapes, and there's never any sand in my drinking water.
Maybe the water bottling plant is located there because it has nicer tap water? I'm not trying to be contrarian, but tap water actually can be bad.
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
how much we fucking with firefox password manager ? i like it because it generates random strings when ever i click on a Create Passwoprd field, but maybe theyre printing out all my passwords and pinning them up on a notice board in the office so they can all laugh at them. this could be happeneing but who knows any thing to day
nomorepie wrote
I don't know what this means but it sounds good
nomorepie wrote
Reply to porridge is good because i love to eat paste by neku
skookin wrote
Reply to "Wood" flavors and "smoke" flavors are welcome. We love barrel-aged foods which soak in the natural smells of the wood. And we eat a lot of fiber in our diet. Are there any meals for which wood is a notable ingredient, even if used in small amounts? by twovests
u could make those cambium chips/flour
devtesla wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in Trying out Feedbin as an RSS reader. I think I like it. And it fetches updates from here without breaking and doesn’t completely fuck up displaying Mastodon posts. by voxpoplar
I'm an iOSer so there isn't one I use, the feedbin developer lists a few tho.
Reply to "Wood" flavors and "smoke" flavors are welcome. We love barrel-aged foods which soak in the natural smells of the wood. And we eat a lot of fiber in our diet. Are there any meals for which wood is a notable ingredient, even if used in small amounts? by twovests
if it counts, cinnamon is dried tree bark
cowloom wrote (edited )
Reply to An immediate horror: New site "VoteRef" is publishing voter history, location, age, and address data. You can find any registered voter by name or address, or vice versa. by twovests
If it makes you feel any better, I had a conversation one time with an elder butch activist, who said she went undercover as a skinhead at a fascist rally. The fascists read off her full name and address, and those of her fellow activists at the rally, and the other fascists cheered and called for violence against them. But, nobody ever showed up at her house. Given that millions of people voted for Harris, I'm not too worried about maga fascists tracking down and harassing every single one of them.
Edit: I also know people who have been listed on Key Wiki, and never had anything happen to them.
voxpoplar OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in Trying out Feedbin as an RSS reader. I think I like it. And it fetches updates from here without breaking and doesn’t completely fuck up displaying Mastodon posts. by voxpoplar
Do you have a particular Android client you recommend for it?
voxpoplar OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Trying out Feedbin as an RSS reader. I think I like it. And it fetches updates from here without breaking and doesn’t completely fuck up displaying Mastodon posts. by voxpoplar
on the free trial currently
cowloom wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in nintendo gayboy. nintendo gayboy color. nintendo sexty four. nintendo gay cube. nintendo gayboy advance. "touching is good". wii-ner. wiiner U. nintendo switch, top, and bottom. pokemon BD, pokemon S&M by twovests