Recent comments
twovests wrote
Reply to at about 8pm its like... if i do not have a little treat right now i will literally die. by neku
oh my god. did you have a treat??
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in Should Jstpst add a chatbot? Should the chatbot throb and wiggle until you open it? Should it open itself anyways? Should it reappear when you close it? I think we should add sound effects. It should take 600MB RAM and 99% CPU utilization I think. Does anyone want this? by twovests
dog honey gone bad?? the poop won't stop HELP
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in Should Jstpst add a chatbot? Should the chatbot throb and wiggle until you open it? Should it open itself anyways? Should it reappear when you close it? I think we should add sound effects. It should take 600MB RAM and 99% CPU utilization I think. Does anyone want this? by twovests
It should be like three separate C-suite executives were afraid people might not notice the big bright honking virtual assistant chat
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in Should Jstpst add a chatbot? Should the chatbot throb and wiggle until you open it? Should it open itself anyways? Should it reappear when you close it? I think we should add sound effects. It should take 600MB RAM and 99% CPU utilization I think. Does anyone want this? by twovests
Hello! Welcome to, the greatest place to post. How can I help you today?
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to Should Jstpst add a chatbot? Should the chatbot throb and wiggle until you open it? Should it open itself anyways? Should it reappear when you close it? I think we should add sound effects. It should take 600MB RAM and 99% CPU utilization I think. Does anyone want this? by twovests
I'm not sure we have the money to integrate an LLM so I suggest we all take shifts being the robot. I'll go first.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in happy international women's day by hollyhoppet
st patrick, the most international of all the women
emma wrote
Reply to Should Jstpst add a chatbot? Should the chatbot throb and wiggle until you open it? Should it open itself anyways? Should it reappear when you close it? I think we should add sound effects. It should take 600MB RAM and 99% CPU utilization I think. Does anyone want this? by twovests
absolutely yes. i think it's important that jstpst keeps up with advancements in technology. we should also establish a presence in decentraland in order to reach gen z.
hollyhoppet OP wrote
also man sumatriptan is tastes so bad and is so hard to spell lol
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Should Jstpst add a chatbot? Should the chatbot throb and wiggle until you open it? Should it open itself anyways? Should it reappear when you close it? I think we should add sound effects. It should take 600MB RAM and 99% CPU utilization I think. Does anyone want this? by twovests
given that all but the most budget computers these days have at least 16gb of ram i think it should take 4gb at least
devtesla wrote
neku wrote
Reply to Should Jstpst add a chatbot? Should the chatbot throb and wiggle until you open it? Should it open itself anyways? Should it reappear when you close it? I think we should add sound effects. It should take 600MB RAM and 99% CPU utilization I think. Does anyone want this? by twovests
tell me more about the throbbing and wiggling.
oolong OP wrote
Reply to the periodic table [Aa] by oolong
actually i wasn't born to tutor science
cowloom wrote
twovests wrote
Reply to happy international women's day by hollyhoppet
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Severance Season 2 finale spoilers-- I just watched the last episode! Here is what happens. by twovests
This is just like The Stuff (1985)
nomorepie wrote
I think that's ticks or spasms? Like you would get in your eye maybe?
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in if the one ring is so good how come there's no the two ring? by hollyhoppet
But they were both of them deceived! Ha ha. The fellas get it.
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in i'm uh, starting a business? by hollyhoppet
i'm gearing up to Read Papers and do the work like my livelihood depends on it lol
cowloom wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in i'm uh, starting a business? by hollyhoppet
I wish you the best of luck! I went down the physical modeling rabbit hole a few years ago, though I didn't end up creating anything more than a few test programs.
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in i'm uh, starting a business? by hollyhoppet
i have, though i'm looking to build something a little more user friendly than tao haha. something more like phaseplant or a simpler vcv rack
cowloom wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in i'm uh, starting a business? by hollyhoppet
That's awesome! Have you heard of Tao before? It's an unfinished FOSS physical modeling synthesizer that sounds a lot like what you're describing. The UI is... about what you'd expect for it being one guy's college project from 20 years ago, but I've managed to make a few neat sounds with it.
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in i'm uh, starting a business? by hollyhoppet
- A plugin that will let you control and automate the Roland Sound Canvas SC-88. This one probably won't be very popular but it's what I'm using to get my feet wet. Currently thinking of pricing it $30. I would like to expand this to a series that supports more hardware too, like the rest of the sound canvas line, and the Roland JV-1080. Maybe also the Korg M1 if that niche isn't filled yet.
- A plugin that will let you apply a curve to any CC, Velocity, Pitch bend, or whatever using a nice curve editing graph UI. Will support 14 bit to 7 bit, vice versa, and same to same. Map any type of param to any other type of param. Probably about $7.
- A sort-of-delay focused on attempting to humanize and "ensemblize" an audio source. Not sure on pricing for this one yet since it needs more design work.
- And the most ambitious: a modular physical modeling synthesizer using an approach that you're "building" a fantasy instrument. Take one or more impulse generators: blowing, a plucked string, etc, and send that through simulated instrument bodies, sympathetic string responses, wind tubes, and/or more digital things like filters and the like. This one will be in the $30-$100 range, ultimately depending on scope once I lock down the design more.
cowloom wrote
Reply to i'm uh, starting a business? by hollyhoppet
That's great! What plugin ideas do you have so far? I'm not a music professional by any stretch, but I have played around with DAWs before.
twovests wrote
Reply to i lost half a week to migraines but you know what? that's fine by hollyhoppet
welcome back to the week 8) something something my grains weak?