Recent comments
twovests OP wrote
i wanna clarify by "favorite" i mean "funnest to indulge in"
twovests wrote
Reply to I've decided to recommit to not using ablist language. CW: mentions of ablist slurs. by flabberghaster
Let me know if you find a solution. The loss of clarity of message is hard to swallow. Especially as English proficiency wanes in the population, I'm struggling between the desire to simplify my language so that people can understand me, and the desire to be Erudite and Articulated.
It might help to focus on the social aspect? "That's fucked up" might convey parts of what "that's crazy" would.
oolong OP wrote
Reply to how to make kimchi (Aa) by oolong
subbed in hontsuyu and soy sauce
Alessia wrote
Sad that some of my friends are going to have to live through the American Warlord Era but in the long run it'll probably be good for the world's oppressed majority.
Moonside wrote
Reply to "exceptionally shallow media diet" is a phrase I heard in a meme and it hurts because it is true by cute_spider
I haven't seen it but what's up with the tendency to make quasi franchises out of animated sitcoms? Like making that show look similar to Rizz and Martin or Futurama to The Simpsons.
Moonside wrote
Not yet, but its hegemony is definitely weakening. No one else is there to step up either. Russia has had its set backs in Ukraine and Syria. China is suffering from an economic bubble of its own and soon will have a declining population. India will be fucked by climate change sooner rather than later. Europe is mostly a threat to itself and migrants.
Anyways rightoids today are much too clownish to run a hegemony properly. Like Elon thinks developmental aid to neighbors of China from the US is DEI and not hegemonic bribes.
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in The State Department is blocking new passports for trans Americans | The 19th News by I_got_killed_one_time
I apologise for this comment, in retrospect it was really callous and stupid
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
what s t. .............................. ........................................................................................................................
............ . .............................................. ................ th..............................................
.................................................................................................................................................................................. . .what................................................
. .. baby ?
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in Laser measure. Tape measure. Graph paper. Scissors. Use these tools and plan your move-in and move-out. "Genius move" by twovests
I think I paid $20 for one years ago! Getting the distance between walls within a quarter inch whenever I want has been worth it
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in The State Department is blocking new passports for trans Americans | The 19th News by I_got_killed_one_time
This isn't just for X markers; it's also people who are changing the marker between M and F, or have ever done so.
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in The State Department is blocking new passports for trans Americans | The 19th News by I_got_killed_one_time
I can say this bc I'm also nonbinary
nomorepie wrote
Reply to The State Department is blocking new passports for trans Americans | The 19th News by I_got_killed_one_time
I don't mean to sound unkind but I've always thought applying for documents with an X marker was a huge rube move
nomorepie OP wrote
Reply to comment by rain in Exciting developments by nomorepie
Bring back BlackBerries
Dogmantra wrote
not seen the first one
nomorepie wrote
Reply to Laser measure. Tape measure. Graph paper. Scissors. Use these tools and plan your move-in and move-out. "Genius move" by twovests
Laser measure sounds like magic to me. What do you mean it can just tell??
nomorepie wrote
Waiting for Godot was a documentary?
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in you just gained the power to shoot five different fluids from your dominant hand, one fluid for each finger. what are your five fluids, and which finger for each? by hollyhoppet
say... you know what creamy tangy emulsified sauce might be a good compliment for the sour saltiness of the pickle?
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in you just gained the power to shoot five different fluids from your dominant hand, one fluid for each finger. what are your five fluids, and which finger for each? by hollyhoppet
that's me with pickles
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in you just gained the power to shoot five different fluids from your dominant hand, one fluid for each finger. what are your five fluids, and which finger for each? by hollyhoppet
I used to be a mayonnaise hater and then something inside of me flipped honestly
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to you just gained the power to shoot five different fluids from your dominant hand, one fluid for each finger. what are your five fluids, and which finger for each? by hollyhoppet
btw my five are, from thumb to pinky: coca-cola, industrial silicone lubricant, 2% cow's milk (cold), potable water, and lava.
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in you just gained the power to shoot five different fluids from your dominant hand, one fluid for each finger. what are your five fluids, and which finger for each? by hollyhoppet
as a mayo hater this is so cursed to me
toasthaste wrote
Reply to you could have gingivitis by oolong
I learned yesterday that my cat has gingivitis. Gotta start brushing her teeth!
rain wrote
Reply to comment by emma in Exciting developments by nomorepie
I’ve hit that point in life where I want a smaller phone so I can use it easily in one hand, but need a larger phone so I can see the screen.
There is no winning answer lol
rain wrote
Reply to you just gained the power to shoot five different fluids from your dominant hand, one fluid for each finger. what are your five fluids, and which finger for each? by hollyhoppet
- pointer finger: water - life sustaining, fire suppressing and non lethal defense
- middle finger: liquid tungsten: primary weapon and heat source at a minimum of 3400 degrees celsius
- ring finger: liquid gold: money, backup emergency heat source
- pinky finger: liquid oxygen: source of intense cold, emergency breathing air
- thumb: does oatmeal count as liquid? Anyway something to be able to feed myself/others in an emergency, even if it’s just a protein shake
twovests wrote
Reply to Call the doctor tomorrow morning to find out if that appointment was at 4:00 or 4:30, i forgot to write it down by Jenheadjen
don't forget!!